
***Sunderp GMT***


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Thankfully very little driving planned today. I don't think we move from here (besides a Tillamook daytrip) until Wednesday.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river

We know you had a choice in airlines, and you chose poorly.
I actually don't think it's their fault. I suspect our bags got sent to the Air Canada baggage claim in Chicago and never got switched to United. I expect my guanciale is sitting in a big pile of unclaimed Air Canada bags in ORD. Good thing it's cured. :D

On hold with Air Canada's baggage now...


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
Epic Rides' Carson City event was a blast. Best part...... I improved my time about 20min faster than last year!

Don't know what it was, as I did minimal training up to event day. Maybe that new Microsoft drivetrain I bought? Or wifey's pasta salad I had for breakfast? Or maybe.........


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Waiting for a delayed flight from JAX to DEN. Got my Mint mostly done while I was waiting, which was nice. Ready to go home though.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Awesome XC race today. Started out behind two guys that are usually a good bit faster than me, so much so that they are more like top 5 and possible winners, where I'm I may be in the top 10, but I've been pulling off some crazy stuff in gravel racing on my fatbike, 11th and 8th, which takes a hell of a lot more than just riding a dinky gravel bike. So the two are ahead of me, but not getting any distance. There was a short ldouble-wide ung-buster before you break onto single-track and I had to push pretty hard to keep up. Then we dropped onto singletrack and I kept it together for the first major climb, HR through the roof of course, get to the first DH and start down, but there's a B-line comprised of an alt-trail about 30 feet long that includes a steep drop-in (no actual drop) and rockets you out in a straight line where the trail joins back up. This was brought up on the pre-ride and is totally legit, but the two other guys didn't see it and with no knowledge of whether it'd be faster, I figured "what the hell". Came out right in front of both of them, which caught them totally buy surprise, as in "where the hell did he come from!!??". This proved to be a bit tricky for some of the riders on subsequent laps for those that didn't know where it was located, even though it's signed, because it drops off quickly to the left where the main trail goes right on a more gradual downhill. A few followed me down though, so they hit it each and every time. Anyway, on the DH I was able to put distance on them, in first place. Then came the second big climb, where those two caught up right about at the top. I try as much as I can to train and ride without standing, as every time I stand I always go slower. I "have to" occasionally, for a little feature, tech, etc., but while pedaling uphill and flat, I really try to spin higher cadence and not stand. Once I started down again though I started putting some distance on them on the DHs, but we were all pretty close. Was able to keep the lead back to that lung-buster and the 2nd and 3rd (same two) passed me. I dropped off a little bit on the next climb, but these guys were standing and powering much harder and I knew I'd be able to make up time on the DH (rare in XC racing, because these guys don't suck either). I took the same b-line that they missed and almost passed the 2nd place rider, but decided it wasn't going to be that big of a deal and riding behind him, I could rest more and keep pressure on him during the DH, which was exactly what I did. He pulled away from me a bit on the 2nd climb and I was close to blowing up, so one of maybe two actual short flat sections (lots of up and down) I doubled down, got me a gel, drank some more of my mix kind of prepared to hit it hard. I went with a camelback because this was virtually the only section smooth and straight enough to use a bottle, and I didn't want to limit myself to only drinking in one spot, which I think was the right choice. I slowly caught up over the third lap to the 2nd place rider, but not fast, it took till the 2nd climb, as I made most of the time up on the DH and I was still doing the low-gear pedaling on the climb. Then the 2nd place rider blew up on the climb near the top, I passed, but figured he was just going to be right behind me. But you know what happens when you start to go over the edge and your speed slows down, you just can't go fast anymore and I think that's what happened to him. Seemed to be like what I was feeling a little bit of on the 2nd lap. After that, I just put time between us, but by a fortunate stroke of luck, the first place rider didn't ride the 4th lap, but thought they were done with the race, then decided not to turn around and ride back 20 feet to join the course. I think in their confusion I had already gone by and I heard later they said "screw it", maybe having gone too far into their reserves already. On the 4th lap I just keep making distance, climbing and descending faster than the next rider.

Then I went through the finish, and rode my bike right to the edge of the lake, where I jumped in. Feels real good, not just to win one, but after surgery and being totally out of riding for most of the winter.

These trails are like a jungle too, it gets so overgrown here so fast, add around 80 degrees to the mix (slightly cooler today, but lots and lots of fire smoke), so it's not boreal forest or alpine tundra or anything like that. Probably more in common with vietnam.

This was a lot of fun, I've been getting better, but I really try to stack as much in my favor as possible. This is a lot of tight flowy trail with lots of ups and downs, lots of places where you can gather speed and bounce yourself bad though if you aren't watching. Few level or straight sections. Ran a lot of rebound to help with this, which sucked on some shorter rooty sections where I got pounded for a quarter of a mile, but well worth it overall. Set up the rear suspension a little stiffer for the pumps and bumps too. Ate about 2 hours before with a mix of protein, fats and carbs and had been pre-hydrating with some skratch labs. Kept my glucose up close to the race, including a few shot blocks 5 minutes before. The water-mix has a bunch of calories and is intended to be "liquid fuel".

Racing is like throwing **** against the wall, you do it enough times and eventually something sticks.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
The leader got confused and thought he was done after the 3rd lap and went for the finish instead of the 4th lap. Not sure how it would have gone down if he didn't.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Rode 3.5 hours Saturday evening/night and hiked 4 hours today.

The park was of course packed as got there. A wee little "storm" blew in and sent people running. Lasted all of ten minutes but was enough to bump the humidity to 75%, drop the temp 13° and run off half the parking lot. Gotta love the fair weather crowd.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
worked a horse show, collected paycheck for doing nothing, watched my wife do one of her best Freestyle rides ever and blow away the competition. A couple of the Pro Rider/ trainers said that she is the best Amateur rider that they have ever seen.
her ride
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