
***Sunderp GMT***


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Carpet guy messed up my stairs both putting glue where it should not have been and cutting some of the pieces incorrectly so I have to fix what needs to be repainted today which I have motivation to do. Still hope to make it to the gym to remove some stress later.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
'Sunday! I'll go for a run today but will otherwise be sitting on my ass in front of the TV doing work. I'm thinking of getting the Samsung S10 so I'll make a trip to Costco this morning to check them out.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Wake up early, logon to work and proceed to start some upgrades. Only to find someone has left snapshots on these servers from last spring. FTS, I aint wasting my time with this, that can wait until next week.

Now for a poop, some coffee/food and then maybe a bike ride? Feels cold out...

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Went to a friends Christmas party last night, got checked hard in a game of broom ball on his backyard pond and fell through the ice. Was pretty wet, but stayed warm by drinking whiskey until about midnight. Back up at 6 AM and headed to the hill… Going to grab some breakfast in the lodge and snag first chair. We’ve gotten over 3 feet of snow in the last three days, and with new terrain being open today should make for a good day skiing.


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
Stroh rum is potent. Little motivation to do anything today, with gale winds raging outside and vacuum raging inside my skull. Everything is too wet to ride.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Hello all. Holiday party for work tonight, from which we will exit quickly to make a second attempt at seeing Knives Out.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
This GMT reminded me that my holiday party was last night. I was asleep by 8. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves without me.

Probably should have braved the cold and fatigued legs to ski but temps read 2* at the hill this morning. Brrr mama.
I'll surely regret it later.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Holy fuck, all aspects of my legs hurt today. Next Saturday is coming fast already...

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Wifey is heading out in the camper with the horse later this week so I need to finish pulling out some crap left over from our last trip fill the propane tanks and check the fresh water tank level. Then I might go ride my bike.


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Quite windy today. Windchill is through the roof. Tried working but connecting to Bombardier's servers has proven difficult. Might as well FTS and find something else to do.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
drank coffee and ate omlette with smoked trout and bacon. walked in the woods with fam. contacted craigslist seller of snowboard for 14yo. replaced chain with horribly bent link on le bike. getting crap together for ski trip. maybe ride later?


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
run today put me over 2,000 miles for year
:confused: is that even legal?

I wasn't planning on riding today, howling winds and omnipresent wetness didn't feel appealing at all, but then my good neighbor asked me out to ride and so we did. Trails were a mix of hero dirt, slifuckery roots and wet spots with 4-10" of standing water, no real mud tho. We had fun, now sipping fancy martini made with Japanese gin, French vermouth and Mexican lemon peel.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
mother effer. Boss called at 2pm...I was going to head out for a ride. Carwash guys working in the lot noticed a van with a flat tire. Boss was out of town, needed me to deal with it. Sunday, nail in tire, slap on a spare and go home. let the Monday folks deal with getting the tire fixed or so I thought. I jacked up the van, put on the spare lowered it. SOB not enough air in the effing spare. jack it back up. pull it. toss it in another van and go to a gas station to fill it come back and put the damn thing on stow all the crap. look at my watch its now 4:30. I have a 5 am start Monday and still need to go fuel up my rig. No ride god dammit home by 5:30 gonna sack out soon

at least I am finishing with beer, pizza and porn


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
"Hooray, I'm going to Gillette Wyoming." - no one.
Not 15 minutes after we left the airport this happened right in front of us.


I happened to be looking away but I heard the cars hit and watched the pickup spin across all three lanes of the freeway. By the time I'd yarded our work truck into the breakdown lane and the two cars came to rest, the other truck was already on fire. I saw two people get out, and then the truck became fully involved. Guy runs back up to the driver door, then runs around the front to the opposite back door. There is a wall of burning gasoline between our work truck and this other truck. I see this guy haul something out of the back seat. I assume it was a kid but to be honest I can't be sure. His fucking pants are on fire. I'm SCREAMING at this guy. "IS ANY ONE ELSE IN THE CAR? IS ANYONE ELSE IN THE CAR?" and I can hear him yelling "NO!". I don't know if his pants went out on their own or what happened to them after. Some white car split between us, the gasoline/vehicle fire, and the other car to help them. This all happened in maybe 10-20 seconds. I turn to the blue car, Chevy trailblazer I think. There is a woman getting out of the drivers side, the front of this car is absolutely crushed. I can hear her yelling about "the kids". She's bleeding profusely from her right arm and pulling one kid across the front seat. I run over and there is a kid wailing in the back seat. Both kids are 8-10. Very close to my daughter's age. Friends I assume, as they did not share complexion. White kid is very quiet, clearly broken arm, horrendous shoulder/chest contusion, obvious seatbelt burn. "SIT DOWN, PLEASE M'AM, SIT DOWN". I open the back door and help the brown kid out of the back seat. She's crying and screaming. "I want my mommy, I want my mommy". I tell her "I know sweetheart, but we need to get you all help first. I need you to calm down so we can help.". I turn around to get Mom/white kid to sit against the Jersey wall in the middle of the freeway. The kid is going into shock and mom is leaving a blood trail everywhere, "Jesus woman sit down!" Someone else shows up. He takes over with brown kid. I tell my coworker, "find the first aid kit". It's been, 2 minutes? Some ass bag in a rice rocket and a fucking 18 wheeler split the gap heading north. I have no idea if anyone's called 911. I pull my phone, dial and get a god damned "all operators are busy, please stay on the line". The fuck? A new lady and her husband/boyfriend have brown girl in there car (brand new range Rover, white interior) lady is wrapping the kid in a sweater. Oh shit, it's fucking cold! I run to the truck, pull out the winter gear, run over to mom/kid. Kid is uncomfortabley pale, head rolling, slurring about her arm. Oh boy.... "Sweetheart, look at me....HEY! Look at me...I'm going to cover you with a jacket, okay? I know it hurts, but I need you to help your mom by staying awake, can you do that?". "I think so.". "okay, great, your doing great kid, okay? Help is coming" Finally get dispatch in the phone. Ask my location. "I25 on the bridge over cimarron". "The vehicle fire?". "No. Well yes, but not just a fire. 2 car collision and single car fire, at least 3 walking wounded, 1 fairly serious bleeder.". She says help is already coming, takes my name and number, tells me to hang up. 5 minutes has gone by? Co-worker is with kid and mom. Someone has sacrificed a sweater as a turniquet for moms arm. I can hear the truck cooking off. Things are popping and cracking. The smell is bad, really bad. Little girl with the arm is coming around and she's starting to freak out. She wants her blanket. I can't have this kid freak out, now mom is starting to drift. "Okay sweetheart, where is it?". "the car." Looks safe enough, fire is limited to the truck, 2 lanes over. I run up to get it, open the drivers rear door. Jesus it's a mess. The dash board is in the front seats. I can't believe mom got out. I find the blanket and a sweater. They are FULL of glass. I beat them out best I can against the Jersey wall. I notice some fuck stick filming with a phone on the opposite side. The temptation to take a swing is overwhelming. Can't, too much shit to do, this kid is waiting. I cover the kid, tell her it's Going to be okay again. I can hear fire engine. Engine and 2 CSPD show almost simultaneously. CSPD blocks off the freeway. Engine crew sets up, one guy goes to truck family, another hits up mom and kids. First ambulance is maybe 30 seconds behind. Truck family gets first medical response. Not a good sign for mr pants on fire. Now we're just standing around, trying to stay out of the way, but useful. Mom is still with us, babbling and shocky. Poor brown girl is crying, she's peed herself, in the back of the rover. Bless the woman with her. "It's okay honey, it happens. We will cover you, no one will know". We need another ambulance. 10 minutes? Another engine is coming up the cimarraon exit, against traffic. Engine 1 runs out of water. Fire is down, but not out. Ambulance 2 beats engine 2 by maybe a minute. Arm kid gets splint, c collar, and boarded. Mom gets a proper arm wrap and they are off. Never saw ambulance 1 leave, but truck family and Mr White car are gone. 20 minutes? Engine 3&4 show up almost same time from different directions, but on the same side of the freeway. Engine 2 has the truck down to a steaming, creaking shell by now. Officers are walking the scene, asking for statements. Ambulance 3 shows. Range Rover family carries brown kid, wrapped in a blanket to them. I talk to the cops. Since we didn't witness the actual collision, they are pretty uninterested in us, other than "thanks for stopping". We gather our crap, my class 3 jacket is probably bio-hazard. Flip a U on the freeway, cut in line on the cimarron exit, dog leg onto Nevada then back on to the freeway. Hit Gillette about 4. Starter and start valve R&R for an 8pm departure. It's 11 o'clock, I'm watching John Fogerty play Red Rocks on PBS and working my way through a half rack of local beer.
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bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Sorry for the wall of text. I know it's very James Joyce stream-of-conciousnes. If I was home I would have just talked it out with the old lady. So I guess Mr phone guy that I thought about hitting was the weather guy mentioned in the news story above. I'm standing next to the LH rear door of the Chevy in this picture. Not sure if it's when I went over the first time to get the kids out or of it's when I went back for arm girls blanket. Our work truck is the one with the lights on, 2nd from right. Next to the Rover.

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butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Holy shit, Shane. Good on you and Rover people for helping.