
***Sunderp GMT***


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Wifey rode the bike today. Just down the hill to the park and around the school while I worked with Hannah. Maybe 2 miles, with half a notable hill. Likes it a lot with the dropper and upright position. Ftw.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Just out of curiosity... am I the only that has never had food poisoning?

I probably shouldn't have said anything. :disgust:
As a Foodie, that’s kind of surprising. I’ve had food poisoning twice. The first time almost killed me. Ambulance, ER, shots, suppositories and weeks of peeing out of my butt. Second time was from bad sushi, and simultaneous vomiting and diarrhea. Worked in restaurants for nine years and am extremely careful about cleanliness and expiration dates. Fucked and found out.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
hey doods

rode the tt bike for the first time out on the road today.

A) holy shit
this thing is sketchy as hell, especially as I've never ridden it before. Add to that 88mm wheels and 20mph crosswinds and half the ride was hanging on for dear life laughing at how it felt like I'd never ridden a bike before. Still dialing in fit and my shoulders are jacked up from the weird position

B) holy shit
thing thing is fast AF. If I can learn to control it, it'll be super quick. I set a PR on one segment I wasn't really trying on (as I couldn't figure out how to stay on the fucking bike) and then I set another on my favorite segment. I still can't put down the power like I can with the regular road bike, but even 30 watts lower I still set a PR on that segment. Then I had to turn around and fight crosswinds and felt like dying the whole way

Good day, 8/10 would hang on for dear life again


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Installed a Luftkappe and am thus luftkappinated. Flux Kapacitated?

Hope it doesn't take a Luftkrappe on me.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
I have been fixing all the bikes at the weekend. A friend’s kid got his derailleur caught in the back wheel; new der, chain, wheel fix, and his brakes were full of water so a full fresh bleed there too. Daughter’s bike has crazy brake squeal issues that I haven’t figured out yet; replacement rotors next I think. Also the current project bike has been unblocked and much progress has been made on that too. My fingers hurt.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Just out of curiosity... am I the only that has never had food poisoning?

I probably shouldn't have said anything. :disgust:
Back in my youth, I did a couple years of team penning, as one does when you grow up in agricultural bumfuckistan. Think, junior rodeo circuit type stuff. At one event, myself and a buddy ate vast, teenage boy, quantities of Frito boats from a vendor, and proceeded to get violently ill several hours later at home. It was DAYS before I could eat anything solid, and my buddy wound up on an IV because he was so dehydrated. It remains the sort of violently ill by which I judge all other sicknesses. I still love chili, and I still love Fritos, but combine the two and so help me god, I might puke right there on the spot. I believe it's the only time I've ever had food poisoning.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Evening. Last week was brutal at school. Lots of fights (I wouldn't even call them all fights...a couple were clearly assaults). Play rehearsals everyday and meetings too. I spent more hours at work than I did at home (including sleeping)....5 10 hour days and then a 4 hour yesterday and hiking club with my darling MSers for 2 hours today...I can't wait until Spring Break when I only need to spend 3, 4- hour days at school for play rehearsal. Oh well. It's going to be worth it in the end (or something like that)


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I thought it was schadenfrued over the Bay Area Geeks lamenting their house and pass purchases.
“por qué no los dos?”
Added benefit for sure.

the management at the ski area absolutely lost their shit because....I don't know why. Karen letters to the USFS, indignation all over social media. It was awesome.

A couple of the ones here don't give a rats ass what goes on after closing because they know it's on public land.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Both my wife and I were once hospitalised with severe food poisoning. It was when my kids were both really young. It was absolutely awful, at one point I thought I might actually die. Was in for three days getting IV fluids and nutrients, plus a lot of opioids. Luckily grandparents had the kids and once we came right on the last day we just wanted to stay for a break.