
Sunjay's Cruiser Jump

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
Originally posted by Ratfink
Hey HLD!!! Shut the Phuck up and go learn how to size your crappy shot!!! :dead:
Oh now, stop the jealousy. Hey, at least this time you got the whole bike in the picture.:rolleyes: :p :D

OK seriously, get some SO pics rolling this way. I spent all go**amed weekend with Sgt Brown's dogs and I think I may purposely HLD myself just to escape the barking and nervous twitchy tailwaggers. I need a SO fix.


That was a pretty impressive jump, some of the competors took a over a hour and lots of roll ups to build the curage to hit it.

Heres a picture Sanjay clearing it on his first try.



Dingus McGee

Hopefully sAnjay will give us a blow-by-blow when he gets back online....it was windy as hell and he and Chris UFCIII final 4 (posts here too....) on the Giant DH guy probably had the most stable rigs in the air! That was fun.


Jan 29, 2002
Originally posted by Dingus McGee
Hopefully sAnjay will give us a blow-by-blow when he gets back online....it was windy as hell and he and Chris UFCIII final 4 (posts here too....) on the Giant DH guy probably had the most stable rigs in the air! That was fun.
Sorry for the Typ-O
Well, I liked both photos and was amazed by the suggestion that Sanjay did that more than once on the same bike. Is that a cheapo cruiser (not counting the rear wheel upgrade) or something more? Damn, I'd have thought the fork would have an all new rake to it after the first jump!
Originally posted by EBasil
Well, I liked both photos and was amazed by the suggestion that Sanjay did that more than once on the same bike. Is that a cheapo cruiser (not counting the rear wheel upgrade) or something more? Damn, I'd have thought the fork would have an all new rake to it after the first jump!
from what i could tell, that bike (minus the rear rim) was a straight up hooptie!


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by EBasil
Well, I liked both photos and was amazed by the suggestion that Sanjay did that more than once on the same bike. Is that a cheapo cruiser (not counting the rear wheel upgrade) or something more? Damn, I'd have thought the fork would have an all new rake to it after the first jump!
He stuck it the first time in practice and toasted the front wheel after he crashed on it, I assume trying to slow down after the jump. Everyone freaked, totally took the crowd by surprise.

That thing has rusty fenders and all, total paperboy bike.

He stuck the landing again in competition after he replaced the front wheel. The judges were being gae, he should have got all 10's for it, he got some 9's.

I have a pic of the landing, although it's a bit dark. I'll try to clean it up and post it tonight.

Right on Sanjay, total juevos grande.
Originally posted by bomberz1qr20
He stuck it the first time in practice and toasted the front wheel after he crashed on it, I assume trying to slow down after the jump. Everyone freaked, totally took the crowd by surprise.

That thing has rusty fenders and all, total paperboy bike.

He stuck the landing again in competition after he replaced the front wheel. The judges were being gae, he should have got all 10's for it, he got some 9's.

I have a pic of the landing, although it's a bit dark. I'll try to clean it up and post it tonight.

Right on Sanjay, total juevos grande.
it was dope when he busted the jump on the pit bike, it looked like the cranks were gonna come flying off he had to pedal them so fast to get up some speed


Jan 29, 2002
Originally posted by bomberz1qr20
Dude jumped a full Giant DH rig and landed on the hip of the jump, sending the picture people running for cover. Funny.
I'll post my shot of it tomorrow. I was the guy with the mohawk that was right next to the hip!


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Originally posted by bomberz1qr20
He stuck it the first time in practice and toasted the front wheel after he crashed on it, I assume trying to slow down after the jump. Everyone freaked, totally took the crowd by surprise.

That thing has rusty fenders and all, total paperboy bike.

He stuck the landing again in competition after he replaced the front wheel. The judges were being gae, he should have got all 10's for it, he got some 9's.

I have a pic of the landing, although it's a bit dark. I'll try to clean it up and post it tonight.

Right on Sanjay, total juevos grande.
So he did it multiple times? That is gutsy.

As for the judges, I am disappointed that the crowd in the know did not rush the judges and summarily excute them for being weens.

Dingus McGee

But what about the Pixie-bike airs? those were preyty decent too...he had them move the bob-dozer out of the way for a bigger runup....I couldnt tell if he landed that 2nd one, but it sounded like it! What was that a 10" wheel bike?
Originally posted by Dingus McGee
But what about the Pixie-bike airs? those were preyty decent too...he had them move the bob-dozer out of the way for a bigger runup....I couldnt tell if he landed that 2nd one, but it sounded like it! What was that a 10" wheel bike?
i thought it was a pitbike (16") but he did land the second one all sweet like


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
Originally posted by Brad23
Wasn't there a 360 tailwhip attempt too????
Nah, Bearclaw attempted a tailwhip and ended up eating sh!t pretty hard, and then another kid (Paul, I think) attempted a tailwhip backflip, but couldn't quite land it. That was my favorite jump of the whole contest.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Major props to Scrub (Chris Q) for a great effort in the jump comp. I talked to a bunch of the riders afterwards and the day after and they all said it was crazy windy, plus the sun was in their eyes. Our man Chris got in a sweet one footed tabletop and the hip mentioned earlier. I was standing up on the hill and the hip looked like he came up short or got blown to the side, so maybe the judges just didn't get it.

The backflips, superman-style jumps, and can-cans were all totally rad.
The flip whip looked like an accident until that guy almost landed it. I heard later that guy has pulled it twice on a 20" but that was his first attempt on an mtb.

Sanjay's cruiser jump was off the hook. But when he launched that gap on a pit bike (and landed it smooth!!) it was clear he owned the comp and shoud have won. Maybe the judges thought he should of taken it more seriously or something.

Anyway, hope Smitty gets well quick, that was pretty scary. I was up on the hill and couldn't see the actual impact, but it looked like he augered in face first from about 15 feet up.


Oct 15, 2001
Bellingham, WA
i decided to post in this thread because i hear it is cool to post in threads where there is speak of some guy named sanjay

btw...cruiser jump...definitely bada$$...way to go working class hero of the mountain biking community