
++ Sunny Day gmt ++

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Just came home from an amazing talk from a Holocost survivor named Adele Nadal. Her story was gripping, emotional, scary, and hopeful…but all tinged with the sadness that something similar is happening in Ukraine right now.
Super powerful.
Glad kiddo got to see one of the few left, and hear her story.
My grandfathers brother was one of the few in the family that stayed in Europe and survived the camps. He made it to Israel after the war

My uncle Bob (married to my fathers sister) was captured at the Bulge and because he was Jewish he got sent to Stalag 4b with the Russian POWs. He was 195 pounds when captured. There were upwards of 60,000 POWs at 4B in the early days, when the Russians liberated it there were only 5000 alive. my Uncle was one of them. He was down to 95 pounds and spent years in the hospital recovering.

My Grandfather was born in Odessa, Ukraine needless to say I kind of hate the Russians and Putin right now


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I did not care much for The Batman
