
Suntour Duro D preload adjusters


¡Mira, una ardilla!
Hello, everyone. This is my first post to this forum, and I'll try to be as clear as I could.

I have a three-year old Suntour Duro D (came stock in my GT Ruckus 3.0), which has a problem with its preload adjusters. The part which goes screwed into the stanchion cap (the one which effectively preloads the spring) would eventually get stuck and stop to turn. I don't know if anyone has seen this kind of preload adjuster-top cap assembly, but the outer cap is aluminium made, and the screw is plastic. It has a piece inserted into it, which is the one you turn to add (or remove) preload to the fork. Well, I've replaced three of these plastic screws over these three years of abusing. I've tried lubing 'em up with teflon grease, teflon oil and other stuff, but they simply keep stucking...

Truth to be told, I'm more than happy with this fork. And also, I simply don't have the money to put another one in my bike. To add another nuance, I can't find any replacements neither here in Argentina nor outside (I've been dancing with Google over this issue for three months now).

Well, I'll take any suggestions you could give me.

Thanks in advance,



Yoshinoya Destroyer
Jan 20, 2007
Hills of Paradise
Not many service parts available for that fork. I used to own a duro 100 and ran into a similar problem. It came down to the adjuster stops (the thing that makes them click when you turn the knob). When these wear out and start to fail, that's about it. If you look hard enough, you MAY find service parts but for the price of the part + labor, you may be better off getting another fork. There are plenty of forks out there that are awesomely priced. Good luck and Welcome to Ridemonkey!