
Surly ss hubs


Aug 3, 2003
Charlottesville, Virginia
Allright, i want a wheel that will be tough as heck. So im gonna throw together a 36 hole mag30 on a surly ss hub with alpine 3 spokes. I know a couple people runnin these hubs for the riding i do, which is DH, dirt jumpin, and park. However i never heard back on how they held up. As a point of referance I have managed to snap, among other things, the inner axel of a Hugi FR hub ( :eek: ) So does anbody on here know anything about how these hubs handle abuse?

http://www.surlybikes.com/parts.html (under "new disc hubs")

As far as i can tell here are the Pros of getting the hub.

-cuz its ss its gonna be wide, thus it will be stronger
-solid axel
-freewheel = no cassete to messup/easily replaced


-possibly designed for pure xc?
-I dont know squat 'bout it



crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
I use a Surly SS disc hub on my singlespeed. It was cheap and it seems pretty strong. During a ride this weekend it seemed to have some play, so I gotta try to adjust it. That's after a pretty good number of miles though.

It's cheap enough that you might as well try it :thumb: