


Turbo Monkey
Aug 20, 2008
Beech Mtn Definitely NOT Boulder
I came across some survivalist videos on youtube just surfing the interwebs today and wow... Most of these people have no idea what they're doing. I could survive longer than most of these "preppers" without 95% of the random crap they have in their bug out bags. People were planning on carrying things like ridiculous amounts of water, hundreds of pounds of ammo, useless tactical weapons, you name it someone had it in their BOB. So I started making a list of what I would realistically carry in a SHTF situation.

-Folding Knife - CRKT Drifter

-Shotgun (with reasonable amount of ammo) - Remington 11-48
-Fixed blade survival knife - Gerber Bear Grylls
-p-cord (200ft) 350lb tensile strength
-10'x10' tarp
-thin gauge stainless steel wire (50ft)
-Water filtration - MSR Micro filter w/spare cartridge
-Water bottle/bladder
-Clif bars x 10
-Sleeping bag - REI 20* bag
-Duct tape
-Minimal 1st aid kit

I feel like I'm missing something but I could survive almost indefinitely with a good water source, trapping small game and gathering edibles for sustenance.

What would you need?


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Originally posted by Phatbikeguy:
[QB] This is my list aside from proper clothing for a particular trip. In other words these are the items that go no mater what for a camping trip, change it up for different situations from there

1, coffee
2, water
3, MRE's
4, TP
5, small first aid kit
6, sleeping supplies
7, water filter/purification tabs
8, fishing supplies/hunting supplies
9, firemaking supplies
10, camp axe
11, rope... always always have rope
12, matches
13, And a mostly forgotten Item.... Extra socks
14, forgot knives...... always have extra knives
15, folding shovel
16, The last thing I always have with me is a sidearm. I end up camping alot of places were people cannot hear you scream... so be prepared.

Tents are a given, bags are a given, cookware is a given, general mess kit is a given...... [/QB]
This is my general list of things I would be able to put into a hiking backback for a given minimalist trip.... It really doesnt take much. I dont need obscene amounts of ammunition, but a little extra is good. We were discussing this on another forum yesterday, this was one of my posts.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 20, 2008
Beech Mtn Definitely NOT Boulder
This is my general list of things I would be able to put into a hiking backback for a given minimalist trip.... It really doesnt take much. I dont need obscene amounts of ammunition, but a little extra is good. We were discussing this on another forum yesterday, this was one of my posts.
My list was my absolute minimum survival kit. If I had time to pack I'd start with my standard backpacking setup (~18lbs) which includes everything on my list and then some (minus the gun of course) then add ammo and sling my shotgun over my shoulder and I'd be comfortable for a while in the woods. For a longer stay, having a .223 rifle could be useful.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
With my list, thats all in my bag already. It gets unpacked before a trip to check it before I get there, but it gets used, and put back so its already to go if I get a wild hair to dissapear for the weekend. speaking of which, its about that time to take a weekend as it is.

If Iw ere to go totally minimalist, I can remove the coffee, the water, the TP, the shovel, the firemaking supplies, the tent can go away, keeping the sleeping bag, cookware/general mess kit can go away, the fishing/hunting supplies stay, knives stay, the camp axe stays, rope stays.... Maybe throw a frog gig in the mix.

For my knives, I will always have three at least... up to six. My benchamade folder<barrage assist open> my survival knife, and a fillet knife.
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Turbo Monkey
Aug 20, 2008
Beech Mtn Definitely NOT Boulder
With my list, tahts all in my bag already. It gets unpacked before a trip to check it before I get there, but it gets used, and put back so its already to go if I get a wild hair to dissapear for the weekend. speaking of which, its about that time to take a weekend as it is.

If Iw ere to go totally minimalist, I can remove the coffee, the water, the TP, the shovel, the firemaking supplies, the tent can go away, keeping the sleeping bag, cookware/general mess kit can go away, the fishing/hunting supplies stay, knives stay, the camp axe stays, rope stays.... Maybe throw a frog gig in the mix.

For my knives, I will always have three at least... up to six. My benchamade folder<barrage assist open> my survival knife, and a fillet knife.
My bag stays about 3/4 packed at all times so I can just throw a few things in and go at a moments notice. Which is how most of my backpacking trips start out anyways.

I carry my CRKT Drifter as long as I have pants on, then I have an CRKT A.G. Russel Sting boot knife on my pack strap, and my Gerber Bear Grylls survival knife clipped on the outside of my pack. And I usually carry a small ceramic knife sharpener which really comes in handy too. It almost made it onto my minimalist list until I remembered my survival knife has a whetstone on the sheath.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Actually, if we are talking a true survival situation then your really limited to items you carry on a regular basis right? So I guess the better thing to have in knowledge of how to make and find your supplies in the feild. I always have my barrage on me, so I will have some type of knife. I am usually wearing boots with laces so i can use laces as small amounts of line<very usefull>, and I generall am able to find the things needed to "survive".


Turbo Monkey
Aug 20, 2008
Beech Mtn Definitely NOT Boulder
Actually, if we are talking a true survival situation then your really limited to items you carry on a regular basis right? So I guess the better thing to have in knowledge of how to make and find your supplies in the feild. I always have my barrage on me, so I will have some type of knife. I am usually wearing boots with laces so i can use laces as small amounts of line<very usefull>, and I generall am able to find the things needed to "survive".
True. My biology background gives me pretty extensive knowledge on whats edible, wildlife behavior, and other useful things. I can make several kinds of traps with natural materials and I can make shelter and fire. I think I'd be better off with just my knife than most of the survivalist idiots would be with their 500lb bags of crap.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
True. My biology background gives me pretty extensive knowledge on whats edible, wildlife behavior, and other useful things. I can make several kinds of traps with natural materials and I can make shelter and fire. I think I'd be better off with just my knife than most of the survivalist idiots would be with their 500lb bags of crap.
Agreed 100%


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
What would you need?

Spyderco sheep's foot knife. Keeps cutting even when abused
LED flashlight
Gerber Machete/saw
Mossberg 930 SPX or similar
dozen Cliff bars
beef jerky
miso soup mix
LED flashlight
Coated heavy polyester tarp (weather/UV resistant)
gravity fed water filter bag
titanium spork
LED flashlight
alcohol stove
mess kit
first aid kit
LED flashlight
high quality gaffer's tape (duct tape is retarded)
30 degree synthetic sleeping bag (anything more is too bulky)
needle/heavy thread
para cord wrapped around just about everything


free wieners
when I was teaching wilderness survival it would end in a 4 day 4 night navigation course without any assistance from others. the students could only engage this exercise after completing the mandatory 80 hours of classroom and field instruction. they were only allowed one 4"x4"x8" otter box and the contents were up to them. They wore the customary clothing with the season (sub freezing winter conditions with hefty snow pack) and nothing in their pockets but a spot device. The spot device was their only form of communication and they were to "check in" every hour on the hour. if they did not check in they were found and extricated from the field, and if they felt the need to drop out of the final exercise they would hit the help button thus bringing in rescue staff to extricate the student. They would have to navigate over 40 miles on foot and provide their own shelter, heat, and sustenance.

out of roughly 400ish students I had only 8 people fail and they failed miserably probably due to lack of participation in the formal classroom.

you dont need a huge list of "things" to make it, you only need brains and a great attitude.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Oh and I'd head for Idaho. I have family there, and they are heavily armed.



Turbo Monkey
Feb 16, 2004

- Laptop
- Laptop charger
- USB stick
- Phone charger
- Headphones
- Notebook
- 2 Pens
- Sharpie
- Business cards
- Kindle or book

- External HDD
- Sketchpad
- 2 Pencils
- Eraser
- Pencil sharpener


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Spyderco sheep's foot knife. Keeps cutting even when abused
LED flashlight
Gerber Machete/saw
Mossberg 930 SPX or similar
dozen Cliff bars
beef jerky
miso soup mix
LED flashlight
Coated heavy polyester tarp (weather/UV resistant)
gravity fed water filter bag
titanium spork
LED flashlight
alcohol stove
mess kit
first aid kit
LED flashlight
high quality gaffer's tape (duct tape is retarded)
30 degree synthetic sleeping bag (anything more is too bulky)
needle/heavy thread
para cord wrapped around just about everything
I think you forgot the LED flashlight and the matches.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 20, 2008
Beech Mtn Definitely NOT Boulder
Oh and I'd head for Idaho. I have family there, and they are heavily armed.

There's nothing better than the Appalachian Mountains for me. I know the flora and fauna and terrain there better than anywhere in the world.

And GFF that class sounds awesome. My navigation skills could definitely use some work..
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<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
- Palm sized GPS
- Compass
- Folding knife
- Electrolite packets
- Roll of duct tape
- Two pairs of socks
- 1911, 6 spare mags.
- Zippo/matches
- MSR stove
- Six Hustler mags
- 20 zip ties of various lengths.


free wieners
here is the deal,

if "survival" is the main goal it has to deal with getting yourself out of the situation you are in.

most people have been told to stay put. this is a good thing since they have no clue what to do. but if you have some simple navigation principals and a couple tools you can rescue yourself.

now if this thread is all about bugout principals than it is a different topic in itself.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
All my tools.
A sherpa to push the tool cabinet.
All my camping gear.
Another sherpa to carry the bin.
My Favorite Pillow.
My Bike and stuff.
A bottle of Armorall.
3000 vintage matchbox cars and enough Hotwheels track to play with them all at the sametime.
Enough Porn to last a month
Some afghani pot seeds.
A case of Pringles.
Mahlon Dickersons auto biography.
My Baby Seal club.
A Herkimer Diamond I found on a field trip in 4th grade.
A pet Bengal Tiger


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
if "survival" is the main goal it has to deal with getting yourself out of the situation you are in.
The list I posted was all about camping out somewhere for a few days, if required.

As far as GTFO strategies, my main concern is that I live only 1 hour north of San Francisco, and OAKLAND.

In the event of a major social meltdown, my first and foremost objective would be OBTAIN FUEL and GET MY FAMILY THE FVCK AWAY FROM OAKLAND.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 20, 2008
Beech Mtn Definitely NOT Boulder
here is the deal,

if "survival" is the main goal it has to deal with getting yourself out of the situation you are in.

most people have been told to stay put. this is a good thing since they have no clue what to do. but if you have some simple navigation principals and a couple tools you can rescue yourself.

now if this thread is all about bugout principals than it is a different topic in itself.
I was really geared towards the kind of doomsday catastrophe the crazies are so convinced is happening soon. The only possible reason I can think to use anything like this would be some sort of widespread civil unrest that would take down the infrastructure.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
The list I posted was all about camping out somewhere for a few days, if required.

As far as GTFO strategies, my main concern is that I live only 1 hour north of San Francisco, and OAKLAND.

In the event of a major social meltdown, my first and foremost objective would be OBTAIN FUEL and GET MY FAMILY THE FVCK AWAY FROM OAKLAND.
I think my strengths would be better suited to Urban Survival.


free wieners
if we are talking pure survival here are the most important items needed

signal mirror
purification tablets

next to water, these are the only things you need to be rescued. heat, food and shelter are luxuries that can be put off for four days (the maximum average time frame of case study rescues)