
SUV 'Drivers' = Menace to society?


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
I dunno there were lots of dumb accidents before SUV's were all the rage. I think their size just makes them a target.


Oct 17, 2002
I think size is important and we should take 18-wheeler trucks off the road!

How the hell did she survive this...
I have a Cherokee and cuz of the center console, there ain't anywhere to hide when the back of a trailer ends up in the back seat!


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Originally posted by LordOpie
I think size is important and we should take 18-wheeler trucks off the road!
while 18-wheelers are annoying as fukc on the roads, more than likely everything in your home was probably on an 18-wheeler at one point, this includes the food in your fridge, your couch, bikes, the tylenol in your medicine cabinet......well, probably everything.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Originally posted by golgiaparatus
No, instead they drive HUGE old Cadilacs and Buicks... I think those things are just as dangerous.

no sh1t. when my car was in the shop, they put me in a buick, man when it rains you might as well be on ice. that thing handles like a ****ing boat on wheels. it slides, the brakes lock up. i hate them. there is a reason old people drive so slow in them, it takes like 20 seconds to stop.

i'll take my small 4 wheel drive outback any day. handles like a dream in any weather, stops on a dime, and hugs the ground when cornering. i love it.


Jan 29, 2002
I honestly don't know anymore.
I love entering threads, conversations, or what have you about the SUV menace. I drive a big, impractical truck/SUV. 1977 Inernational Super Scout II. It gets less than 10 MPG. The 35" super swampers it has on it now make driving a risky proposition, makes it swerve all over the road. Brakes need more than a little work, and it lets out close to a metric ton of pollutants through the exhaust. I wouldn't have it any other way. :devil:


Aug 21, 2003
My idea... well not really my idea but I belong to another BBS that routinely discusses SUVs and well...

How about a mass limit? Kindof like a speed limit but with mass brought into the equation. Say, you own a 2500lb Honda Civic 4 dr you may drive 85mph, but say you own a 4500lb Ford Expedition you can only drive 50 - or something to that effect.

Lets not bring gas milage into the picture...


Mar 13, 2002
Function is far from everything. Besides all of the empirical data that suports that SUV's and trucks are damaging to the environment and personal health, i think they can be very dangerous on the road for a few reasons. Bigger vehicles have bigger blind spots, people get a sense of invincibility when they're behind the wheel of a large vehicle, and vehicles with a higher center of gravity tend to roll much easier are just a few reasons.

As for defending people's "rights" to drive a big SUV, I've seen enough people driving around this city without any passengers talking on the cell phone, generally putting tons of other people at risk. It's like smoking in public, no one else should have the right to willingly put my personal health at risk. Small trucks and all-wheel drive station wagons get much better gas mileage and usually a very similar amount of cargo space. I do think that in some instances, it's acceptable to have an SUV or large truck, but most of the people who own them don't really make any use of their size or power. For example, my parents own a house at the top of a mountain in Vermont only accessable by a dirt road that's not usually plowed in the winter. I think that a SUV is necessary in this case. I can see very few other times when a all-wheel drive wagon wouldn't do just as well.

Flame away.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Crappy drivers are going to endanger you no matter what they drive. Even the largest SUV in the hands of a responsible driver is still much safer than, a motorcycle in the hands of an idiot.
Aug 28, 2003
Ashland, OR
Cars with good handling and brakes are safer, Most SUVs lack these elements. I think you should need a commercial drivers license for anything over 3500 pounds.

Yay for the GRM link