
Switching big rings


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
Well, not super big rings, but can I go from a 32 tooth to a 34 tooth ring up front without major adjustments? I've got a 22/32/bash setup right now, not sure if I'll need to adjust the derailure and/or will need a new bash guard. How much bigger of a diameter is a 34 tooth ring?


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Here is a case where geometry is your friend. One complete chain link is 1". 32 teeth = 16 complete links = 16" circumference (roughly speaking) By the same logic a 34 tooth ring will be 17" around. Circumference = 2pi * radius, therefore Radius = Circumference / 2pi.

So take your ruler out and measure the radius of your bash guard and get your calculator out and calculate the radius of a 34" tooth ring and see if it fits. You should allow at least 1/4 inch difference between the diameter of the ring and the bash just to be safe.

As for adjustments of the derailleur you should have no problems. I'm running a 36 / 22 with a E-13 bash and DRS and it just works fine. Be sure to check the length of the chain if you change rings. You may need to add a link or two. Logic tells you if you add two teeth to your ring you should add one whole link of chain.