
syadasti's jihad against Steve Jobs?

Mr Jones

Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2007
Sys's obsessive hating has always struck me as weirdo. I don't like windows, but I don't get all frothy at the mouth and write diatribes.
What don't you like about windows. Windows are one of the greatest inventions ever. How else could you work in harsh environments and still be protected, while having a clear picture of what's in front of you. Yea, windows are great.



ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
What don't you like about windows. Windows are one of the greatest inventions ever. How else could you work in harsh environments and still be protected, while having a clear picture of what's in front of you. Yea, windows are great.
Fuvk amorphous solids! Non-crystalline materials kill millions of innocent birds every year! Arrgghhh, HULK.


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
why is it necessary for jobs to donate? why is it necessary for gates to donate? difference between being selfish and philanthropist.
Wrong again, just listen to the Reaganomics, rich people are all philanthropists. They have the money and the power and the know how to distribute it.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
Question: will people be this concerned when Bill Gates, a man who has publicly given friggin oodles of money away, and has signed the giving pledge to donate half his wealth, yet created just as much or more technology dies? I'm just confused as to why we're all so concerned over the (albeit untimely and sad) death of a guy who sold us lots of ****, but never publicly gave any money away outside of through apple itself. Will we mourn the passing of Warren Buffet as much, who made even more money, gave even more money away, but didn't sell us any ****?
People mourn the loss of Steve Jobs because he had an uncanny ability to simplify crap that is complicated. He could look at technology and figure out a way for it to make sense for people to use it as an effective and productive tool without all the worry. He didn't invent the mouse, he didn't invent a graphical user interface, he didn't invent smart phones, slate PCs, video editing, online music purchasing or any of that stuff... But his company is the first one that ever created something that made it possible for my parents and grandparents to take that technology and use it to improve their lives.

That's pretty amazing. I hope there are more people floating around the world that have at least a fragment of his vision.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
We are all forgetting Drunken Ninjas contribution. He invented all the stuff Steve Jobs is getting credit for. All he got for his troubles is a bike and some cocaine stains on his favorite ridemonkey T-shirt. And now he's banned from the Monkey. You're all a bunch of ingrats. JBP hates everyone too...


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Posted by PRI 30 minutes ago: E-Trash and what Apple Gadgets Mean for the Environment

Further reading in PRI's posting:

...in recent years the company has faced criticism for its less than exemplary environmental and social record – including the use of toxic chemicals, a secretive supply chain and a lack of general commitment to green issues. Unlike other companies, it refuses to set future targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and does not produce corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports.

While Apple has belatedly answered many of these accusations, merely responding is the last thing many expected of this pioneer in its field. It may be breaking new ground with its technological innovations, but appears content to react rather than lead when it comes to the environmental and social impact of those products.


Gideon Middleton, a senior lecturer in business and climate change at the University of East Anglia, says Apple’s failure to shoulder its environmental and social responsibilities is down to one man: Steve Jobs.

'Even a company like Wal-Mart is quite forcefully pushing climate change and social responsibility down its supply chain in the Far East – I find it incongruous that Apple isn’t doing the same. To explain that disconnect in what in so many other ways seems to be a responsible brand you would have to look at the belief systems of a company’s senior managers. One would suspect that the ultimate person preventing these things happening is Steve Jobs himself.

It will be interesting to see who replaces Jobs as chief executive if he steps down due to poor health, Middleton adds. 'If they don’t put in someone with a more responsible, ethical and sustainable viewpoint, they will succumb to short-term financial pressures to keep producing more and more new products.'

Apple was approached for a comment but declined to respond to specific questions.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
And the university of East Anglia is theschool which is at the middle of the climate change contraversy becase of the 'modifying' of their climate data. Just tossing that out there...


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
And the university of East Anglia is theschool which is at the middle of the climate change contraversy becase of the 'modifying' of their climate data. Just tossing that out there...
And this misinformation has no bearing on these Apple issues (all well known and documented problems) nor the fact that they even look pathetic compared to Walmart. The person quoted doesn't work in the same department, this is a university.

The people you mentioned were never accused of modifying scientific data - they were accused deleting email and trying to get an incompetent peer reviewer removed. They were guilty of acting unprofessionally but did not commit any scientific fraud and this incident doesn't change the facts of bigger picture established by the scientific community involved.

Six committees investigated the allegations and published reports, finding no evidence of fraud or scientific misconduct. The scientific consensus that global warming is occurring as a result of human activity remained unchanged by the end of the investigations. However, the reports criticised climate scientists for their disorganised methods, bunker mentality and lack of transparency. Climate scientists and organisations pledged to restore public confidence in the research process by improving data management and opening up access to data.
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i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
youre hatred for them is to the point of being scary/hilarious.
My are hatred??? These are all articles from mainstream publications, I didn't write them. I'm not the one ignoring the facts to feel better about consumerism and marketing.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
youre hatred for them is to the point of being scary/hilarious.
When he was a little kid Steve Jobs stole his lunch money and used to pick on him. He has lived with this until now. I expect to see Syadasti finally be able to overcome the abuse he recieved at the hands of that monster... Atleast thats my hope....


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
My are hatred??? These are all articles from mainstream publications, I didn't write them. I'm not the one ignoring the facts to feel better about consumerism and marketing.
Actually we were pleasantly unaware, but now that you mention it we are all going to pull out our Iphones and post that sh!t on FaceBook. Thanks for making us look cool again....


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
My are hatred??? These are all articles from mainstream publications, I didn't write them. I'm not the one ignoring the facts to feel better about consumerism and marketing.
i are didnt say you wrote them. i assumed they were part of your scrap book of hate towards Jobs

When he was a little kid Steve Jobs stole his lunch money and used to pick on him. He has lived with this until now. I expect to see Syadasti finally be able to overcome the abuse he recieved at the hands of that monster... Atleast thats my hope....
maybe Jobs shoulda called and apologized.


Mar 26, 2008
People mourn the loss of Steve Jobs because he had an uncanny ability to simplify crap that is complicated. He could look at technology and figure out a way for it to make sense for people to use it as an effective and productive tool without all the worry. He didn't invent the mouse, he didn't invent a graphical user interface, he didn't invent smart phones, slate PCs, video editing, online music purchasing or any of that stuff... But his company is the first one that ever created something that made it possible for my parents and grandparents to take that technology and use it to improve their lives.

That's pretty amazing. I hope there are more people floating around the world that have at least a fragment of his vision.
Are you kidding? He didn't do ANY of those things.


Apple is not dead.

Another rich selfish American is dead who made money selling stuff to people with first world problems.

He was a scumbag as far as i can see.
Making millions off people who are environmentally aware (go one do a poll among your Iphone/pad/pod owning friends and see) and doing nothing to alter the harm his products manufacturing causes.

Making millions pushing the ultimate in consumerism, and doing nothing philanthropic.

People like Jobs are the villains in the US, not the heroes.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Are you kidding? He didn't do ANY of those things.


Apple is not dead.

Another rich selfish American is dead who made money selling stuff to people with first world problems.

He was a scumbag as far as i can see.
Making millions off people who are environmentally aware (go one do a poll among your Iphone/pad/pod owning friends and see) and doing nothing to alter the harm his products manufacturing causes.

Making millions pushing the ultimate in consumerism, and doing nothing philanthropic.

People like Jobs are the villains in the US, not the heroes.
He stole your Lunch Money too? He's dead now. Let it go....


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
My are hatred??? These are all articles from mainstream publications, I didn't write them. I'm not the one ignoring the facts to feel better about consumerism and marketing.
And what the fvck have you ever done with your life? I'm no fan of Apple or Jobs but damn dude, he's dead. Time to get another hobby.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
Are you kidding? He didn't do ANY of those things.


Apple is not dead.
You're kidding right? Lets do a quick timeline recap of apple:

-Jobs and Woz create apple. It kicks butt, people rave about the product and Apple gets rich
-Jobs is worried he doesn't know how to be a ceo, finds a guy and appoints him (this is supposed to be good because many thought Jobs was a dick and couldn't be a leader)
-Jobs and appointed ceo get in fight, ceo gets Jobs fired from his own company
-in his absence, apple turns to crap and almost becomes insolvent
-Jobs creates NeXT, his company starts making a badass OS based on freebsd.
-in a last ditch effort to save the company, apple buys NeXT and adopts the NeXT OS. Renames it OSX. Jobs somehow wrangles it so he is "invited" to become CEO.
-Apple once again becomes badass and starts cranking out amazing products again.

I'm pretty sure that without Jobs returning and lending/forcing his vision to the company, there would be no apple today.

Say whatever else it is that you want about him (rich, scumbag, selfish, abrasive, etc. I couldn't give a crap and they might all be true), he was the driving force behind Apple's rise back to the forefront of innovation.

Also- people like Jobs keep the US a competitive player in the world economy. Call him a villain if you want, but I don't see a bunch of protesters in a drum circle contributing to our GDP or intellectual property.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
TL;DR- creating manufacturing jobs isn't how america is going to get back on top.
Manufacturing can be done even in countries with higher environmental and labor standards than the US. Nokia has been doing it for years but they didn't keep up on the product side like Apple and Google. These capital intensive factories are much more efficient than traditional ones with far more automation so obviously there won't be as many jobs especially on the low-end. There will certainly be more US jobs than taking the factory overseas as JK noted...

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Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
soooo.... creating US manufacturing jobs is going to hurt us? :confused:
I'm pretty sure I didn't say that. What I was trying to imply is that your argument that Jobs outsourcing manufacturing to China did not make him a "great american businessman" was not true. As was stated in the article- Jobs had the formula to make an American company top dog on the world scene. More people need to follow that example.

RTFA if you haven't. Apple is doing something right.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I'm pretty sure I didn't say that. What I was trying to imply is that your argument that Jobs outsourcing manufacturing to China did not make him a "great american businessman" was not true. As was stated in the article- Jobs had the formula to make an American company top dog on the world scene. More people need to follow that example.

RTFA if you haven't. Apple is doing something right.
taking advantage of mindless mass consumerism