
T-Day Vacation/Lil' Manimal on stairs ride pics


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
I packed up my lil' army of kids and made a 9 hour drive out of a 5 hour drive down to Hilton Head Island for Thanksgiving. My mom beat us here and had the place all set up...super sweet time share accomodations....probably bigger than my house.

anyhoo, it's at the beach and it's been in the 70's every day....so we have pretty much just ridden our bikes all week. In the course of said riding, Lil' Manimal decided to try going down stairs which started slowly on a very small and spaced out 3-set and progressed to about a 9-set at near gapping speed. then he tried to gap a 3-set the next day, overshot and nosed in too much causing a pretty nasty crash in front of about 20 vacationing families(didn't have the camera out on that one:mumble: ) but he got up and walked it off in true "i'm a tough kid" fashion.

enough talk....here are some pics from the week (which is my first true vacation in over 3 years)
first and foremost....one of the best pics i've ever gotten of him.
-flying down a large set of stairs-

the first set of "real" stairs right on the beach (also the same set that he cleared and then crashed on)

my youngest daughter helping me play HALO

look closely at the sign on the left "Beaufort County Sheriffs Office" :thumb: not the biggest set of stairs but i thought the whole "municipal property" thing was cool :thumb:

he felt compelled to teach my mom how to ride stairs...and she did :D

i even got my wife out to ride....and i made sure to stay behind her to enjoy the view :devil:

hope you all had a good holiday!!!


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
One of my grandmothers freaks out everytime I bring up my sport, and the other one has a broken hip that will never heal, so I don't think she'll be riding any of my bikes..............But its AWESOME that your kids grandma did! And awesome pics of lil' manimal as usual!


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
eh...my mom is pretty cool. she starte my brother and i out riding long distance road rides when we were both about 7 respectively. she's always been into cycling, mostly road.....i wouldn't call her a roadie though, more of a recreational cycling enthusiast:D she used to pull us out of school in the spring to do the florida safari and some other random 400+ mile rides over a weeks time. if it wasn't for her, both myself and noah would probably not be into riding at all.

i was just stoked that she actually tried some stairs....on my bike! :thumb: and the kicker is that noah is the one who got her to do it. "c'mon nanna, just lean really far back, look where you want to land and stay off the brakes....it's easy...watch!"