
T.g.i.f :)


Jul 5, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
W00t W00t. It's FRIDAY. :thumb:

What's everyone's plans for this weekend?

My plans for tonight are to go to the gym, and do 45 minutes of cardio.
Then, to come home and install my new headunit in my car. :cool:


Tomorrow afternoon I've got my first ride in ... EVER... planned with some guys I met at my gym. They said "we're ridin' with the kid. uh oh!" hahaha. So we'll see what happens. I'm hoping the trails are at least rideable, but I have my doubts that they're super muddy.

So anyway, how about you guys?


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Got a three day weekend ahead of me - woo hoo! I'm not setting foot inside this office this weekend, either, no matter what kind of emergencies occur between now and the end of the day.

Should be a fun Superbowl party on Sunday, but other than that, not much planned for the weekend. Supposed to be pretty nice out, though, for New England in February anyway.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Trail work tomorrow morning followed possibly by a road ride or hitting the gym. Sunday ride, dirt if the trails are good enough if not back on the road then heading to Richmond to watch the stuporbowl.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Tonight=maybe go to the home show
Sat="happy hour" bus trip to Pico ski Mtn (next to killington)
Sun=spin class/chores/superbowl


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
My friends and I are heading back up to San Luis Obispo (alum) for the Superbowl and Mardis Gras. With any luck, we'll accomplish:
-hangover mountain bike ride
-dust a keg
-avoid the pepper spray
-lose our beads
-NOT get ticketed/arrested
-see a parade if it isn't cancelled


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
the wife is heading up to UNH to meet some college friends for a hockey game, and gonna hang up there for the night. so i've got the boys. hopefully the house will be standing when she returns sunday.

hopefully i'll get to the gym either sat morn or sunday, but i really don't have anything planned. definitely watching the Pats roll over the eagles.


Westy said:
Trail work tomorrow morning followed possibly by a road ride or hitting the gym. Sunday ride, dirt if the trails are good enough if not back on the road then heading to Richmond to watch the stuporbowl.

I may do a short backpack hike to test my packs and decide which one to keep. May do some trail work on Sunday.


Jul 5, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
Sounds like just about everyone's watching the Superbowl. :) Fun stuff.

I'll probably take Sunday off of working out as well, and just EAT. :)

I think we're doin some BBQ Burnt Ends & roast in the smoker. It's supposed to be in the 60's all weekend... so you know damn right I'm gunna RIDE. :)


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
Morning all. I'm already enjoying my weekend. Today is one of those teacher workday things, so I'm just hangin out here. Hopefully I can get myself over to the skatepark in a little while for some riding. Otherwise this weekend I'm not doing a whole lot. Possibly an urban ride with friends up in Denver, or something. I'm really wanting to go up snowboarding on Sunday because I figure hardly anybody will be there with the superbowl and fall. :p


Jul 5, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
COmtbiker12 said:
Morning all. I'm already enjoying my weekend. Today is one of those teacher workday things, so I'm just hangin out here. Hopefully I can get myself over to the skatepark in a little while for some riding. Otherwise this weekend I'm not doing a whole lot. Possibly an urban ride with friends up in Denver, or something. I'm really wanting to go up snowboarding on Sunday because I figure hardly anybody will be there with the superbowl and fall. :p

Could you hook me up with some flight tickets out there? :thumb:

I'd LOVE to go snowboarding up in Summit County.

Enjoy it while it lasts man. I envie ya' .. ;)


dh girlie

reflux said:
My friends and I are heading back up to San Luis Obispo (alum) for the Superbowl and Mardis Gras. With any luck, we'll accomplish:
-hangover mountain bike ride
-dust a keg
-avoid the pepper spray
-lose our beads
-NOT get ticketed/arrested
-see a parade if it isn't cancelled
Watch out for flying fish guts...I hear you're not supposed to get them in your eye...


Dec 13, 2001
Hebron, ohio
BigHit-Maniac said:
Sounds like just about everyone's watching the Superbowl. :) Fun stuff.


Not me i'm going out to eat with a friend then hopefully on a lil road trip, but no bikes will be involved.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
dh girlie said:
Watch out for flying fish guts...I hear you're not supposed to get them in your eye...
I must be drunk again like my reply to your post the other day, because I am sooo confused... :confused:

dh girlie

COmtbiker12 said:
I'm surprised you didn't comment on our lack of snow here. ;)

Well, no...cuz all the smack talk came back to bite me in the ass...doesn't look like we'll be gettin any fresh for some time now...although the forecast does show a possibility of snow on Sunday...it will be warm this weekend, so slush is better than ice...we'll see...there's always the bar! :thumb:


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Riding my fixed gear around town
Climbing this afternoon
Fixed Road ride Saturday
Climbing at Pinncales National Monument Sunday, possible ride to there

Oh and I have a few papers to write by Tuesday, but those are kind of second priority :thumb:

The Ito


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
Well, no...cuz all the smack talk came back to bite me in the ass...doesn't look like we'll be gettin any fresh for some time now...although the forecast does show a possibility of snow on Sunday...it will be warm this weekend, so slush is better than ice...we'll see...there's always the bar! :thumb:
Looks like even without much snow, there's still pow to be had at Breck. Albeit just a little:



May 25, 2004
yeh i got a swim meet tommarow and a funeral sunday but after a ride. but i get to leave school early today to go to the meet im excited

dh girlie

reflux said:
Apparently not as much as you, but to be honest, I think I've seen maybe 5 new episodes over the past 6 years. Does this make me a bad person?

I don't think this one is that new...it's the episode where Mr. Burns uses Homer as his Prank Monkey and he tells him to throw pudding at Lenny...after he hits him, Lenny is all...OW! My doctor said I'm not supposed to get pudding in my eye!

Then later in the episode, Mr. Burns is throwing fish guts from a parade float, and Lenny gets hit in the eye with fish guts and he goes, OW! My doctor said I'm not supposed to get fish guts in my eye!

HAHAHAHAHA! The epsiode is hysterical...Joe Pozer would have appreciated my comment about the parade! :D


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
I have now been sick for about 2 weeks, which sucks. No riding, no working out...blech....I disgust myself. Watched movies with a friend last night (Heat and Airplane; quite a combo). Since I don't have classes until next week, this whole week has been kind of, ummm, useless.

Some friends invited me to a dinner party tonight, so I suppose I'll hit that up. Then do some summer job apps on Saturday, work out if I feel able. Watch the Superbowl on Sunday definitely. And somewhere in there, try and read the rest of The Dark Tower VII.