
T-Pro, any SS race results available yet?


Jun 1, 2006
Lynchburg VA
I know what I placed, but other than that I have no relevant info. But yeah, thanks to everyone who made that happen, and to all the people who were subjected to my ridiculous ways. Village Baaaaad!
Jun 11, 2004
Those that didn't make it definately missed out............not ONE DROP of rain ALL WEEKEND!!!

The course was super sick! (and dry :biggrin: ) IMO the hardest one yet.

Big thanks definately go out to Snow Shoe! Hope there is another series next year...........

Oh yeah, also want to send some healing vibes your way T-Pro. Hope you have a quick recovery and get back on the bike soon!!


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Anybody besides me get to witness the two frat dorks totally schiltz faced in the village Saturday afternoon after they made the rounds of the Unlimited sample beers? That was great comedy.

But yeah, course was like kryptonite to me on the bottom. Tight, tech switchbacks bad for moto mind of Butch...but getting the ride Snowshoe in the dry made it all worthwhile.

Course groomed in good and there were no "die tryin'" lines which always makes for good racing. Loved the left handed berm down the bank to right hander to double...perfect flow. Woods section up top with the new berms made for a lot of fun on Saturday when I went through a pack of guys cruising. Nothing says fun like passing in a section of woods that has 5-6 different lines and is as wide as a semi truck.

Good to meet Sirknight6, johnnynails, and tons of others. Even saw Karl Peters all the way up from 'Bama! One exploded pedal is all the bad I have to report...everything else...ALL GOOD!


Jun 13, 2005
Would love to see them.
Results should be on the website today. I just sent them out to our web guy.

Thanks to everyone for a great season of racing!

Our operations extend into October, closing on the 9th, with plenty of great fall riding to be had. Hope to see everyone b4 the season ends.

With a bit more freedom now, the trail crew may finally be able to spend some time on new trail we have been strugling to build. The Fall is a great time for birthing new run's from virgin terrain.

Thanks again to all!

-Snowshoe Park Crew-


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Results should be on the website today. I just sent them out to our web guy.

Thanks to everyone for a great season of racing!

Our operations extend into October, closing on the 9th, with plenty of great fall riding to be had. Hope to see everyone b4 the season ends.

With a bit more freedom now, the trail crew may finally be able to spend some time on new trail we have been strugling to build. The Fall is a great time for birthing new run's from virgin terrain.

Thanks again to all!

-Snowshoe Park Crew-
One thumb up for sure! Oh...Sorry! LOL!!!!

Heal quick!:biggrin:

Great summer, great fun, great riding, great company, great hangovers.....:banana:


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Results should be on the website today. I just sent them out to our web guy.

Thanks to everyone for a great season of racing!

Our operations extend into October, closing on the 9th, with plenty of great fall riding to be had. Hope to see everyone b4 the season ends.

With a bit more freedom now, the trail crew may finally be able to spend some time on new trail we have been strugling to build. The Fall is a great time for birthing new run's from virgin terrain.

Thanks again to all!
-Snowshoe Park Crew-
Hey bro...big pros to the crew for taking the first long woods section from all the old courses and adding those berms and multiple lines. Can I place my vote now for the return of the ORIGINAL pro course for Race #1 for '07?


Feb 25, 2002

You missed the best of the old and the new Pro courses at race #2 (July).

That being said, I second the motion for the steep, off camber under the Cupp lift.
Hey bro...big pros to the crew for taking the first long woods section from all the old courses and adding those berms and multiple lines. Can I place my vote now for the return of the ORIGINAL pro course for Race #1 for '07?
Already looking forward to 07'. Big thanks to all at snowshoe for a great race series this summer:clapping: It was awesome to have a different course for each race. Great meeting and riding with everyone. Maybe next season I can actually get through a race without coming off the bike at some point:bonk:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
I know what I placed, but other than that I have no relevant info. But yeah, thanks to everyone who made that happen, and to all the people who were subjected to my ridiculous ways. Village Baaaaad!
I tried to tell ya...but did you listen? NNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!!



Jun 13, 2005
so what the heck happened to your hand? and why was Brad sitting trackside instead of race-ifing himself?
I go in for surgery tomorrow. A plate and a few screws to stabalize the bone. 2 weeks in a cast, 4 more weeks recovery.

Brad is currently attending the Gravity Logic Forum in Whistler. He was sitting trackside due to having to fly out on Saturday. He hung out for practice and then had to leave. The GL Forum is focused on bike park operations, development, trail design, construction, machine operations, and much more. Pretty cool program that Whistler has developed. Brad will hopefully return a trained Bike Park aficionado...:brows:
