
table; bars stright ot turned?


Sep 1, 2002
ok i've been trying to learn how to throw this silly little bike around, and i just can't get my tables past that magic 90 degree mark where they become a invert.

my question is, does having the bars stright or turned help (over)flatten things out more?

also do you guys try and piviot your upper wrist so you can push it over more with your hands?



Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
that looks pretty damm good to me.

I can do tables both directions, and one way I use my hands/arm more and the other way I use my back foot more. so I guess that doesn't help other then there is more then one way to do them.


Sep 1, 2002
pnj said:
that looks pretty damm good to me.

I can do tables both directions, and one way I use my hands/arm more and the other way I use my back foot more. so I guess that doesn't help other then there is more then one way to do them.

are the tables you do with your feet more like flat moto whips?

when i try and push it out with my feet the bike goes sideways not up.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
in the pic if you pulled your right hand in towards your body more you could drive down on the handlebars harder.
Nov 5, 2004
hartlepool, uk
yeah, you need to curl up into a ball more to do inverts [not that i can do them, but my friend can and thats what ive been told].
you may want to switch your brake lever over if it gets in the way, although i cant tell from the picture which side you run it on...
also turning the bars does look a lot better :)


Jun 14, 2003
Lost on Long Island
part of your 'tabling' is pulling your bars over to the side of your body. see how far over he are towards your left, from that vantage it is probably much harder to get any additional leverage on the bike to throw it further towards an invert than what you have. My thoughts are that you should try keeping the bars more centered with respect to hour body center and focus on levering on your bars and tightening up your legs and their angles.

thats my 1.643 cents from limited experince.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
no on the moto whips question. my tables are flat both ways. the thing is, one way my rear foot is on the top side of my bike and the other way my rear foot is on the bottom side when I do tables. so when my foot is on the top, I use that leg/foot to help pull my bike flat. I am using my arms of course, because I'm holding onto the bars, but it seems as though my back foot/leg is doing alot of the flattening.

when I do them the other way, with my rear foot on the bottom, I use my arms more. turning my bars doesn't matter or seem to help unless I'm inverting the table. I can't do inverts with my bars strait.

just keep practicing, find your own path.