
\/~/\Take a Shower Friday\/~/\


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes

Headed to KT shortly after the kids leave for camp. Hoping to grab 20 miles after I arrive and more tomorrow. Might stop for gels, lunch, and beer somewhere. See you there!


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
hi all

sittin' in the hospital I am today. forgot my badge somehow--in the lunch bag that I intentionally didn't bring in? hmm


Turbo Monkey
Sep 2, 2004
McMinnville, OR
Ugg. Basketball sized wasp nest right in the middle of the home-trails is giving me grief. I can’t get close enough to spray without them going full nuclear.

I think it is bald-faced hornets, but they attack and retreat so fast, I can’t get a good look.

Been stung enough times at this point that I mught need to call a pro. Damnit!


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
ride last night was a bit of a disaster. as I pulled the bike off the rack, I noticed my pedal was loose. Upon closer inspection, it turns out the pedal insert in the SixC crank has come loose. non-drive side. rode anyways, but gingerly. But before I could fully kill the crank, my cassette lockring somehow managed to back out enough that I couldn't pedal, and even coasting had drag... ugh. too bad, caus' it was the best conditions we've had in weeks.

also, I stepped on a zip tie end in the basement as I was getting ready. now my heel is bruised and it hurts to walk. ugh.

wfh now, and a little hung over. I think I'll make a third espresso.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
so my buddies have changed the destination of the fall trip from Park City to the Kootenays in BC... will be doing a loop out of Calgary. I'm still undecided. Not sure if my fitness is up to par yet. They definitely want to hit the Seven Summits trail - 1000m climbing over 30km. I could definitely do that, just much slower than them... I'd have two options that I can see: take a rest day that day, or perhaps rent an e-bike. Anyone know if e-bikes are allowed on there? I don't see anything written anywhere...

edited to add:
found the answer :
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Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
My collaborator and I submitted our music for a video art project we are working on about a very serious topic. We got lovely words of complimentary feedback about how well our dark ambient creation fit with the mood of the piece.

We were asked to provide information about our backgrounds and other musical projects for inclusion in press release material.
So, let me tell you about Penis Massacre…


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
so my buddies have changed the destination of the fall trip from Park City to the Kootenays in BC... will be doing a loop out of Calgary. I'm still undecided. Not sure if my fitness is up to par yet. They definitely want to hit the Seven Summits trail - 1000m climbing over 30km. I could definitely do that, just much slower than them... I'd have two options that I can see: take a rest day that day, or perhaps rent an e-bike. Anyone know if e-bikes are allowed on there? I don't see anything written anywhere...
Get some syringes of that tour de france go juice


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

FTS Friday is in full swing. Got Chinese Buffet dinner tonight, Top Golf shenanigans tomorrow, and no idea what else the weekend holds. Talked about taking the motor out, but the wife seems iffy since I replaced the carb. It runs like a champ now


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
so my buddies have changed the destination of the fall trip from Park City to the Kootenays in BC... will be doing a loop out of Calgary. I'm still undecided. Not sure if my fitness is up to par yet. They definitely want to hit the Seven Summits trail - 1000m climbing over 30km. I could definitely do that, just much slower than them... I'd have two options that I can see: take a rest day that day, or perhaps rent an e-bike. Anyone know if e-bikes are allowed on there? I don't see anything written anywhere...

edited to add:
found the answer : View attachment 215251
When is that trip?

Thats a long loop out of Calgary and with so much good riding in between. But all the bike parks close at the very beginning of September...

Are they going to shuttle Moose Mountain?