
Take-Off & Flight: Free | Landing: $425CDN


Crap. 24 hours into "the" Whistler trip of the season, riding Mt. Seymour (CBC) in Van to "warm up", and I high-sided a pedal while riding a big rock roll (which I rode without incident the day before), bailed, and landed in a bunch of sharp, pointy rocks. Three broken foot bones, a $425 contribution to the Canadian health care system, and a week of crutching around later, and I really have to say that breaking a foot sucks.

I go in Wednesday for a final decision on if some titanium bits will be needed to hold me together. With some luck I'll get to semi-enjoy at least a little fall riding before the season ends.

And the worst of it was I had to sit around for a week while my friends rode the resort. :redhot: Oh well, there's always next year...

Any Monkey's out there broken a foot & have some sage words of healing advice?
