
TALAS tuning


Jun 14, 2003
Cambria, CA
Hello, I'm new here and just bought my first "real" bike.
It came with a Fox TALAS RLC fork, and I need help setting it up. Preload is fine, any tips on dialing in rebound and compression? Is it just by "feel", or are there some guidelines? Same goes for the rear, the bike is fitted with a Float RL, how should I set the rebound?

Thanks so much!!!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 5, 2001
North Van
There is no preload for an air fork. Just pressure reading. Set it up as per the guidlines in the manual so you get about 2 or 3 cm of sag. Bring your pump with you for the first bunch of rides and play around with more or less pressure until you find what you like. In theory you should botton out every so often otherwise your not getting the full benefit of the travel. I know a lot of guys who crank up the pressure way too high because they think bobbing slows them down. If that's what they want they shoulda bought a short travel fork. No point carrying the weight of 5 inches of travel when the most you get is 3.

The damping adjustment is a feel thing. I'd start with about 3 or 4 clicks in from full open and play with it. I move mine around all the time. Open it up on climbs and little ripply stuff and slow it down on trails with bigger drops and lots of tight corners and hard baraking. You need to feel for excessive dive when you brake, too much bounce after a hit. This indicates more damping is needed. If the fork "packs up" after a bunch of small hits its not rebounding fast enough so you need to open it up a bit. Same on the rear.