
Talk about bad luck...


Turbo Monkey
Mar 21, 2004
Ive got a friend who's got it real bad. First he broke his femur at the beggining of the summer playing football so he spent his entire summer in a cast and missed most of his freshman football season. Then, his second game back he breaks the other femur. Come on, what are the odds that you'd break both of the longest and i think strongest bones in your body in less than six months. Okay, so after surgery to fix this break he got a blood clot (i think it was in his lung) but they got that worked out pretty quick. Well, he was in a wheelchair for at least three weeks after the second break and after about one week on cruthes he slipped on a wet floor at school and re-broke the femur. To top all this off he developed internal bleeding and they had to operate again on his leg to stop the bleeding. This last opperation was last wednesday and as far as I know, hes still in the hospital. This is one of the coolest, nicest kids I know and he's only 14.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
Unfortunately there are no "worry free" guarantees in this life.

I hope your buddy heals up right this time!