Good or bad?
Frankly it sounds like Uncle Tom is the only one who actually understands international relations. Y'all niggaz should vote for him.Barack Obama is drawing fresh fire for pledging to hold direct talks with foreign adversaries, an approach both Hillary Clinton and John McCain say they will hit hard...
...Increasingly, they are presenting his ideas as a radical departure from standard U.S. doctrine...
..."The notion that somehow not talking to countries is punishment to ridiculous," Sen. Obama said in a debate last year...
...Sen. Obama's aides disputed the charge that he would recklessly move into talks with Washington's adversaries. Still, they said Washington doesn't have the luxury to wait indefinitely to hold talks with the likes of Tehran or Damascus because of the depths of the instability in the Middle East.
"A summit meeting isn't an end it itself. It's part of a broader strategy," Obama adviser Mr. Lake said.