
TdF dopers...place your bets!!


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
The entire team Saxo Bank (kidding, but I will hedge slightly and say the Schleck bros) and Contador.

Contador getting thrown out on a doping offence is how Lance wins #8...


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Must be stressful for the dopers riding around knowing the can get caught for something that long ago. Also knowing you have done and then lying to so many people. I would have a heart attack.
There will be no offenders caught during the race this year unlike last year.


Because the UCI is in control of the tests this year. And they're all about the money. Follow it along. From needing a rebirth to payoffs. It's a old game played by old men with old habits. The UCI is nothing but a front for some wanna be big-wig mafia dorks.

The ASO blocked the UCI from controlling the controls last year, and the AFLD ran the tests and look how many they caught. Quickly I might add.

So no...there will be no positives from this tour.

LancyPants and his goons behind the scenes have very far reach arms from deep deep pockets.

But of course this is all conjecture with no basis coming from some internet loon. So don't believe a word I say.

LAnce, Bro-jan, Levi, Horner, Kloden are running off to start their own team next year.
Vinokourav will get his beloved team back in his control and then sit the entire year out of the big shows because they won't get an invitation.
Contador is going to Casse de Esprgne for a big payoff since that Spanish team is about to let Valverde go wrote in the fields.
Oh....and the true silly season hasn't even begun yet!

Once again, loony internet guy...don't believe a word.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
I'll pick Boonen for cocaine...the guy can't seem to learn from his mistakes. For performance enhancing drugs, I think the Schlecks might be doping...


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Kohl confirms manager bribed anti-doping labs

By:Cycling News Published:August 14, 14:29, Updated:August 14, 14:31

Tests used to develop doping strategies

Bernhard Kohl has confirmed reports that his former manager Stefan Matschiner bribed anti-doping laboratories to analyze samples in order to determine how best to avoid a positive doping control.

Matschiner "had samples analysed so that we knew how far we could go and still not be caught,“ Kohl told Austrian newspaper Kurier.

Kohl said he had two samples tested, one for EPO and one for testosterone. "Then I knew: I can inject so-and-so much of each substance."

Matschiner is a former track athlete and was still heavily involved in the track and field scene. In connection with the track world championships starting this weekend in Berlin, he told the German television broadcaster ARD that he had bribed lab workers. He allegedly paid from 150 to 500 Euros per sample.

In addition, Matschiner said that these forbidden tests were done in labs in central Europe. According to Kurier, labs in that region are in Prague, Czech Republic; Cologne and Kreischa, Germany; Lausanne, Switzerland; and Seibersdorf, Austria. Kurier reported that the Austrian lab was not involved, and Kohl said that he did not know which lab tested his samples.

The illegally tested samples were designed to help the athletes determine the dosages for "micro-dosing". As Kohl explained: "You know exactly which dose you need in the evening so that the stuff won't be traceable the next morning."

Matschiner, 34, faces further investigation by the Vienna, Austria, Sonderkommission Doping (Special Commission for Doping).



Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
Wow, so much for the integrity of the labs. The whole thing is a f*cking joke