


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Took a whole 12 seconds...chopped from his bio.

Oh, hey. I didn’t see you there. My name’s Ian Murphy. You may know me as the editor of The BEAST. You may also know me as the guy who pwned Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, and revealed his sinister plans to crush public unions. And now you’ll know me as the Green Party candidate in the NY-26 special congressional election.

Talking to Walker made me realize something: We need better politicians in this country. We need politicians who aren’t for sale to the highest bidder. We need politicians who actually care about people. I care about people. I may not have always expressed that sentiment in the most straightforward way, but that’s always been my motivation as a writer.

So, you probably want to know some other stuff about me. Well, I’m an art school dropout who’s done some drifting both geographically and career-wise. I’ve worked as a landscaper, cashier, shopping cart pusher, butcher’s assistant, janitor, cow-milker, milkshake engineer, building manager, drywall installer, plumber, carpenter, painter, illustrator, door-to-door salesman, dish washer, paperboy, paperman, and some other illustrious gigs.

The narrative is bound to be that I’m not qualified to serve in Congress. Bull****. I’m a blue-collar guy from Buffalo. I have common sense and authenticity on my side. I’m a real guy who won’t sell you out for a quick buck. And I’ll fight like a cornered wolverine to make the voice of the people heard.

Well, that’s about it. I’m a simple guy who just wants to ensure that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from NY-26.