
Team Logo


Turbo Monkey
Aug 13, 2005
alright this is our team jersey, but its not official the guy that i have doing it is going to charge me 120 bucks, so i want to get this thing looking the best (coolist) it can

so im looking for positive coments and suggestion that can turn this into the perfect jersey logo with out a completly motifying the picture

keep in mind that it will represent our high school

going on rockgardn blue jersey, so the blue matches that of the jersey.

o yeah our school colors are blue and gold (School mascot jouster)
and we save money with less colors

here it is!



Turbo Monkey
Dec 10, 2004
San Diego area, California USA
kind of a neat cartoon idea of your school mascot?

skeleton knight jousting on a mtb bike.

here's a few notes that came across my head...hope it's not too confusing...i'm writing it down as i look at it:

it's looks a little to chaotic ...it took me a minute to figure out what it was. maybe ditch the cloud of dust or make it smaller....that adds to the confusion to me

it mighta been better to have the rider come towards you on an angle (so you can see some of the side).... it's kinda hard to tell what's what... the brown tire looks like an ice cream cone to me... it'd be better black, but because the straight on approach of the rider, black wouldn't be a good choice for the tire because it'd get lost in the drawing...

you could get away w/ less color if you did the angle profile i would think...to make it cheaper

of course that w/ some of the suggestions i mentioned, you'd have to totally modify the picture.. sorry.

i guess my biggest complaint is the dust...makes things a little to chaotic for me.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
zmtber said:
so i want to get this thing looking the best (coolist) it can[/IMG]
Start over with a better illustrator. Sometimes an ad agency or a design firm will do pro bono work if you give them your best puppy dog face and sob story.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I had a tough time telling what it was too. You need to show that he is on a bike, the huge front tire covering everything makes it hard to see (and the tire should be black too, so that I knew it was a tire).


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Now that I really looked at the mascot I can sort of recognize it as a knight on a bike. I would heavily recomend a re-do on that. You don't want to have that awkward of a mascot. Side profile would work allot better, also consider making him white, like a skeleton, not orange.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 13, 2005
this is homemade motifications, that i still have to send the guy the stuff