
Team Maxxis/Rocky Mountain at Leogang: Words, Pics, Vids


News & Reviews
Jun 26, 2009

Team Maxxis/Rocky Mountain turned in another solid weekend in Leogang, with Sabrina Jonnier bagging a podium despite an injury, while Cunningham and Mark Scott also raced impressively. Read on for the report, photos, and video.

Another Solid Weekend for Maxxis-Rocky Mountain at Leogang World Cup #3

Source: Rocky Mountain Bicycles

Another World Cup and another two podium placings for Team Maxxis-Rocky Mountain this past weekend at Leogang.

Sabrina Jonnier who is used to being on the top step of the podium has been forced to contend with an injury (bruised tailbone), choosing to compete rather than stay at home. As a result, she hasn?t been able to ride at her usual level, managing a 4th in South Africa and a 5th at Fort William. Great results, but not when you?ve won eight World Cups and two World Cup overall titles in the last two seasons.

After a heartbreaking 5th place the weekend prior in Scotland, Sabrina was aiming to get back in winning from at Leogang. After her usual relaxed qualifying run, the skies opened up on Leogang, drenching the course. This was good news to Jonnier, but she wasn?t able to turn it into the win she?d hoped for and managed another 5th. Jonnier was philosophical about the result, ?I know the result is the same as last weekend, but I am feeling much better on the bike. This exactly where I need to be going into a big break before my favourite race at Mont St. Anne.?

Ruaridh Cunningham has been riding consistently since the beginning of the season and finished a very respectable 25th in the final at Leogang. His goal for the year is a top 20 overall placing and he is well on the way to achieving that goal.

Junior DH ripper Mark Scott has been having an excellent year with the team so far and qualified 38th out of 272 riders at Leogang. The 18 year old UK rider finshed 46th overall, but 3rd Junior behind the USA?s Neko Mulally and Australia?s Troy Brosnan. All eyes will be on Mark in September to see what he can pull off at World Championships in Champery.

Next stop, Mont St Anne!
