I'm thinking of starting a service that will provide studies with information like this. That way, they can spend more of their government grant on booze and hookers, and less on finding out blatently obvious information.
These guys could have just come to me and said, "Hey, we've got this suspicion that teens tend to lie about sex. Do they?"
I'll say, "Yes," charge them $100, and then we can both go get drunk on the taxpayer's money.
Education is the key. Abstinence pledges in my opinion work like an adult saying "dont touch the brithday cake until the party" to a group of 5 year olds and leaving the room. Sex in media is huge now, magizines, advertizing, and if you say up late enough there are lots of "sexual secrets" shows on the discovery channel, and who stays up late? Teenagers!. People (especaly teens) are exposed to more sexual imagedry than ever and im not talking about porn. like I said its all over the magiznes and TV.
So lets step up sex-ed and bring it out of the 1950's right wing, black and white diagrams of a penis and vagina, if you do it before marrage you'll burn in hell days. Teens know how to do it. teach them what to do to make it safer. and not just vaginal, cover oral, anal and whatever else is going on.
So lets step up sex-ed and bring it out of the 1950's right wing, black and white diagrams of a penis and vagina, if you do it before marrage you'll burn in hell days. Teens know how to do it. teach them what to do to make it safer. and not just vaginal, cover oral, anal and whatever else is going on.
If that's your sex-ed then your school is lacking. when I had sex ed we had days and days of diagrams, movies, Q & A sessions, books, etc. And I went to catholic school. Of course that was nigh on 20 years ago.
Sex drugs and music were better and easier to get between 1965 and 1995, it seems. (Well, except for music.. it was better, but you couldn't get it like you can now)
If that's your sex-ed then your school is lacking. when I had sex ed we had days and days of diagrams, movies, Q & A sessions, books, etc. And I went to catholic school. Of course that was nigh on 20 years ago.
Sex drugs and music were better and easier to get between 1965 and 1995, it seems. (Well, except for music.. it was better, but you couldn't get it like you can now)
If that's your sex-ed then your school is lacking. when I had sex ed we had days and days of diagrams, movies, Q & A sessions, books, etc. And I went to catholic school. Of course that was nigh on 20 years ago.
Sex drugs and music were better and easier to get between 1965 and 1995, it seems. (Well, except for music.. it was better, but you couldn't get it like you can now)
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