
Telephone pole - 1, Sportworks rack -0 :sad:

dh girlie

narlus said:
<insert woman driver comment here/>
HAHAHA! Well...what can I say...I am the first to say that I am the worst parker, especially parallel, and the worst backer upper...to my defense in this one, my car is really hard to see out of the back of...I've had a couple of male drivers say the same exact thing...your car has the WORST blind spots...


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
So much smartasscommentfuel to work with here -

Your rack
A pole
Getting bent
Backing up into a pole
Rack replacement

I'll just say:

Sorry about your misfortune.


dh girlie

bomberz1qr20 said:
So much smartasscommentfuel to work with here -

Your rack
A pole
Getting bent
Backing up into a pole
Rack replacement

I'll just say:

Sorry about your misfortune.


thanks...it does indeed suck. At least...oh wait...that isn't you...that's Stoney98...I was gonna say at least I didn't pop in an Avril Levine CD...but that would only work if you were stoney...


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Doh! I can not make snide comments about rack related screwups! Hope you can get that taken care of... was your bike on there when it happened?


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I'd like to see the rest of the paint job on your bike. Any pix?

Sorry to hear about your rack. Friggin telephone poles, jumping in the way like that.

dh girlie

Echo said:
Doh! I can not make snide comments about rack related screwups! Hope you can get that taken care of... was your bike on there when it happened?

No, thank god. It was folded up...we were in a hurry to leave for Big Bear, and I was trying to get parked. I really hope the piece can be replaced...my friend scored a pro-deal on the rack for me and I got it for 245 bucks. The thing retails for about 500. :dead:

dh girlie

narlus said:
maybe you can get one of the rear-view radar things.

or better yet, ditch the SUV.
I actually really like it. I need 4wd cuz I go to the snow pretty much every weekend in the winter, and more than often I have 3 or 4 people and all our stuff inside safe from the elements...and I also like being up high so I can see all the assholes on the road, instead of just the immediate assholes.


So is it a problem other than aesthetics??? I hate bent schit though, so nevermind. Yeah - it's a problem. A welding shop should be able to fix it too.

When I hauled cows, I backed over weird schit. Once I backed into a parked cattle truck (read 18 wheeler) and ripped the neck off of the trailer. Barely moving. Sucked. Just put big bumpers on and commence to hitting stuff. It's fun. Once a guy was gonna kick my ass cause he backed into a pipe bumper I had and tore his truck to hell. I was nowhere near the truck, but he called me an asshole because it only scratched my truck. He was blaming his kid and being a prick. It was my first encounter with mountain bikers, so I started riding in hopes of phucking with him on the trails. Never saw him, but you are all blessed with my presence now. Thankfully there are bad drivers. Don't sweat backing into stuff. Racks on the Xterra are totally guess work. You just have to learn where they are. A telephone pole for krissakes though. You could back into the Eiffel Tower couldn't you???


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
i love your old skewl red shimano's. My pair finally died on me. :(

Y'know if you have to get a new rack you can always shop around for a deal since Sportsworks trays will fit on other racks.... just in case you didn't know...
also getting one of those round curved mirrors may help you out quite a bit (especially on the passenger side), i drove a dump truck for a few years it really makes a difference when your packin heavy in the rear. hehe :devil: sorry hehe ..... but seriously they work for backin that ass up!! :D

dh girlie

Ciaran said:
I'd like to see the rest of the paint job on your bike. Any pix?

Sorry to hear about your rack. Friggin telephone poles, jumping in the way like that.

Why yeeeessss....yes I do just happen to have a picture or two of my beautiful bike...can't believe you haven't seen any with as many as I posted, but I am MORE than happy to share once again! :love:

Close up of the paint job to showcase the sparkles...




And...of course...Zakk :love: showin her love for the final product...



Haha - I knew you would use the one with the cat. I left Zakk out since she takes away from the bike with her cuteness. :rolleyes:

dh girlie

loco-gringo said:
So is it a problem other than aesthetics??? I hate bent schit though, so nevermind. Yeah - it's a problem. A welding shop should be able to fix it too.

When I hauled cows, I backed over weird schit. Once I backed into a parked cattle truck (read 18 wheeler) and ripped the neck off of the trailer. Barely moving. Sucked. Just put big bumpers on and commence to hitting stuff. It's fun. Once a guy was gonna kick my ass cause he backed into a pipe bumper I had and tore his truck to hell. I was nowhere near the truck, but he called me an asshole because it only scratched my truck. He was blaming his kid and being a prick. It was my first encounter with mountain bikers, so I started riding in hopes of phucking with him on the trails. Never saw him, but you are all blessed with my presence now. Thankfully there are bad drivers. Don't sweat backing into stuff. Racks on the Xterra are totally guess work. You just have to learn where they are. A telephone pole for krissakes though. You could back into the Eiffel Tower couldn't you???
A cattle truck??? You are such a hick.

I'm not sure if I would put one bike on that rack, let alone 2. It's bent at a weld...not sure what to do. That ride home from Tenille's house (about 18 miles) was a white-knuckler. I was so scared. And I admit it...I cannot back up for shhhit...I'm a horrible backer upper...I don't know why. Perhaps maybe I should take a traffic cone and and egg out to an empty parking lot and work on it. (Brady episode)


If it's bent at a weld, just go to the shop and throw down $40 or $50 and be fixed. I would hate for the ride to take a tumble.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
dh girlie said:
I friggin backed into a damn telephone pole and my rack got bent! :( :mad:

I did that once too...not into a pole but a trailer. Call them up and they'll send you the replacement parts.

dh girlie

loco-gringo said:
If it's bent at a weld, just go to the shop and throw down $40 or $50 and be fixed. I would hate for the ride to take a tumble.
I yain't cheap...I'd rather spend 5 c notes on a new one than risk it, but I'm gonna make a call to the company, then worst case...see if my friend can score me another one. That bike will NOT take a tumble unless I'm on it. (provided I get to RIDE the damn thing next season...)


The welding shop ain't going on the cheap if you go to a good one. I built a few bumpers and fixed one bad ass wrecked one and they were better than shop built. If the part just bolts on, order it. If not, the welding shop ain't a bad plan.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
That sucks.

You were on your way to Big Bear this weekend?

We're looking forward to detailed pics of your rack once it's repaired.


dh girlie said:
Yes, at least I have the excuse of a broken hand in a cast, and not a nagging wife preventing me from riding...

Shouldn't you say something about drops too???