
Tell us something about yourself most people would find unlikely for you...


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
DVNT said:
OK. I don't know if this is unlikely because no one really knows me but,
I collect 70s horror films especially Hammer films with Christopher Lee and all the films of Dario Argento.
I used to write soundtrack music and wrote scores for a few indy projects and finally got a chance to work on a real commercial and get paid but choked.
This lead me to meet a local film professor that was writing a script and wanted me to score it and introduced me to a casting director that got me into acting.
I auditioned for Road Trip but choked..... Flew out to L.A. did a few more auditions and got REALLY creeped out by the whole scene and called it quits and concentrated on a regular job.
All this is out of character because I'm an introvert and I hate people.
Suspiria! that trailer scared the crap of out me when i was a younger one.

have you ever seen _Session Nine_ or heard the soundtrack by Climax Golden Twins_? excellent stuff.

dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
Ok. You girls are officially Complete Looneys. :D

Are you afraid of chickens, too?

No...the chickens in Mexico did not bother me...but the fish...scared the livin daylights outta me...they were HUGE...they were called Jacks or some sort of Jacks...and they swam in HUGE schools...and they would dart around me and get really close...I was absolutely terrified. I wanted a boat to come and get me there were THAT many...on my trip to Cabo the guys on the boat thought it would be funny to throw tortillas in the water around me so the fish would gather around me and act like savages that had never eaten...I like to look at the fish...but I don't like being near them.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
narlus said:
Suspiria! that trailer scared the crap of out me when i was a younger one.

have you ever seen _Session Nine_ or heard the soundtrack by Climax Golden Twins_? excellent stuff.
I was gonna check out session 9 the other day. Is it any good?


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Ciaran said:
It does... I did something similar... got busted shoplifting when I was 16... boy was my dad pissed!
I still remember the ride home with my parents....... NO GOOD!!!

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
dh girlie said:
I'm afraid of fish too...I went snorkeling in Mexico a couple of times and I was nearly hyperventilating cuz I was so scared of the fish...I thought I was the only one.
When I went snorkleing in Hawaii it took a bit for me to get used to it, but as long as they kept their distance I was ok. The puffer fish though...I swera to this day they were gunning for me every time I saw one!

My fear of fresh water fish in particular is odd though because I'll still go swimming in lakes. But if you get me into an aquarium I make sure to keep a good distance back from the fresh water fish tanks (the salt water tanks, no problem :p). I know it's a very very odd and irrational fear, but as a kid my brother and cousin used to tease me to know end and one of the things they used to tell me is that the fist would come bite my toes when we were swimming. My mother told me they were lying and that fish didn't have teeth.....WRONG.....we were fishing and my brother pulled in a Northern Pike and I nearly hyperventalated when I saw the teeth on the damn thing. And fresh water fish are just UGLY...they always look like they're pissed off and ready to take it out on you.....so, I just keep my distance and let them be! :o

dh girlie

Velocity Girl said:
When I went snorkleing in Hawaii it took a bit for me to get used to it, but as long as they kept their distance I was ok. The puffer fish though...I swera to this day they were gunning for me every time I saw one!

My fear of fresh water fish in particular is odd though because I'll still go swimming in lakes. But if you get me into an aquarium I make sure to keep a good distance back from the fresh water fish tanks (the salt water tanks, no problem :p). I know it's a very very odd and irrational fear, but as a kid my brother and cousin used to tease me to know end and one of the things they used to tell me is that the fist would come bite my toes when we were swimming. My mother told me they were lying and that fish didn't have teeth.....WRONG.....we were fishing and my brother pulled in a Northern Pike and I nearly hyperventalated when I saw the teeth on the damn thing. And fresh water fish are just UGLY...they always look like they're pissed off and ready to take it out on you.....so, I just keep my distance and let them be! :o
Fresh water fish get HUGE and they are ugly...I was at the marina at this lake and there were GINORMOUS catfish and carp at the dock and I was thinking that there was no way I was going to wake board again in that lake that weekend...I was feeding em crackers and this one that was the size of a great white came from the depths and nearly took my arm off...eesh!


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
Fresh water fish get HUGE and they are ugly...I was at the marina at this lake and there were GINORMOUS catfish and carp at the dock and I was thinking that there was no way I was going to wake board again in that lake that weekend...I was feeding em crackers and this one that was the size of a great white came from the depths and nearly took my arm off...eesh!
Fear of carp.......... bwaaaaaahahahahahhaha. You need :help:



Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
narlus said:
Suspiria! that trailer scared the crap of out me when i was a younger one.

have you ever seen _Session Nine_ or heard the soundtrack by Climax Golden Twins_? excellent stuff.
Session Nine was decent. A friend saw it before me, and built it up like I would be floored.. Meh it was o.k.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Session Nine was decent. A friend saw it before me, and built it up like I would be floored.. Meh it was o.k.
yeah, it's not the best movie but definitely worth seeing. the building where they filmed it (danvers state mental hospital) is a couple towns over from where i live. it's a creepy place.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 28, 2004
I study sociology and read social sciences litteracy when I'm not railing a berm!!


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
narlus said:
yeah, it's not the best movie but definitely worth seeing. the building where they filmed it (danvers state mental hospital) is a couple towns over from where i live. it's a creepy place.
Didn't know it was filmed in Mass. Interesting.


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
DVNT said:
Is this like Hentai stuff? I'm too lazy for search engines today and if it is then i don't wanna be searching for that at work.
ew, no. that stuff is nasty.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
I'm the guy that started the food fight in 7th grade that eventually spread to the entire cafeteria. On spaghetti day.

I once taped a model rocket engine to a turtle and fired it.

Didn't get in trouble for that but yeah I got caught shoplifting a candy bar too (and yes of course I had the money in my pocket).

I used to listen to a lot of Rush.

I like road bikes and even wear lycra when I ride 'em.

I'm a good cook, and I like jazz.

And long walks on the beach.

Buck Fever

Jul 12, 2004
Hipsterville USA
I suffer from poophobia; and although variable, my wiener makes up only a very small fraction of my total body weight.

One very little known fact about me is...and I don't even think my wonderful fiancee knows this yet...I can be self depricating at times.

Oh, and I'm not a very good speller and rarely punctuate correctly.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
One of my majors is geography. I have no sense of direction and get lost all the time. Once I was driving from Lake George, NY to the Georgian Bay (north of Toronto). I messed up and by the time I realized it, I was pretty darn close to Detroit.
Jul 28, 2003
Eat, ME
People are constantly amazed that, not only am I educated, but that I have a doctorate in analytical chemistry. That and I can play Battle Hymn of the Republic on my teeth.

The Cheese


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
SuzyCreamcheese said:
People are constantly amazed that, not only am I educated, but that I have a doctorate in analytical chemistry. That and I can play Battle Hymn of the Republic on my teeth.

The Cheese
And you have a cool job.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
SuzyCreamcheese said:
This is true. Sometimes I can even hang out with you guys and still be working.

The Cheese
but what you do is interesting... isn't it?


Jul 17, 2003
east of Seattle
I'm vegan. love music and hifi. I have a turntable that cost what some bikes cost. i grew up in a very small hick town. i have more then one hundred direct cousins (catholics). I am very much against all forms of organized religion.


Jul 17, 2003
east of Seattle
dirtyamerican said:
When I take a piss, I also pick my nose with my free hand for something to do. And I use my thumb.

that's real gross, and so was that one talking about the poop.

oh yeah. i wash my hands enough times in a day that my hands are always cracked from being too dry. scared of bacteriea.