
Tennesee/Nashville locals


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
a-town biatches
okay guys as a few of you know i just moved to nashville to go to college. i cant handle just riding every three weeks and this city. i want to find some good dh, freeriding stuff within an hour to two hours of nashville. i do know about windrock but i just dont know how to get there so if you could maybee give me some directions to the place send me a pm. and with all the other riding locals just post them. also ill have a hardtail built up in a little while so if anyone has any urban rides going on let me know and as soon as i get it built up ill have to come with you guys to check out this city. thanks everyone for the help. :thumb: :D :help: :help: :help:


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2001
frznnomad said:
okay guys as a few of you know i just moved to nashville to go to college. i cant handle just riding every three weeks and this city. i want to find some good dh, freeriding stuff within an hour to two hours of nashville. i do know about windrock but i just dont know how to get there so if you could maybee give me some directions to the place send me a pm. and with all the other riding locals just post them. also ill have a hardtail built up in a little while so if anyone has any urban rides going on let me know and as soon as i get it built up ill have to come with you guys to check out this city. thanks everyone for the help. :thumb: :D :help: :help: :help:



Mar 23, 2002
Macon, GA
There's a lot of stuff in louisville as well. I think Booker and Tgaines72 are from there so maybe try and track them down.

Also - have you checked out the Nashville BMX track on Bell road? It has two DJ runs and the track has some big/fun jumps as well.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
a-town biatches
sweet guys that is awsome thanks for all the info.

ohh and bradical i ended up at NADC and im stuck in the middle of the damn ghetto. but yeh i know what you mean man the guys didnt even go riding cause they missed me so bad lol. im just kiding. ill be back in town labor day weekend and hopefully my shock will be back in so we can ride. i think were planning on going up to sugar or hopefully go to pisgah to ride.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
a-town biatches
yeh i just checked out the track and dj and found out the mountain bikes cant ride on the track, but i found some trails that i can ride nothing like what im used to and ill deffinatly hit up windrock so thanks again. :thumb:


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
dude, is this eric as in SGS eric?

there are sooooooo many hot girls in nasheville. sell the big bike and buy a friggin huge box of rubbers and get to using them.


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
forget what everyone else tells you. just be in the windrock upper parking lot(just past the permit shed) at aprox. 9:30-10:00 on sundays and all your problems will be solved. all these other places are for little boys. no "skinnies" or other nonsense just pure DH single track.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
a-town biatches
was plannin on hittin windrock except its a 2 hr and 48 min drive and i cant make that drive every sunday, but i deffinatly plan on making that drive. ohh and the track is closed to bmx cause the lady that owns the place is a well a word i cant use on rm :mumble: so i will have to potch it to hit it. so thanks again for the help guys. ohh and i almost forgot. ive already started to talk to some fellow riders about getting some stunts on some of the local trails around here, and if i have anything to do with it this place will deffinatly have something worth hitting, and ive already got a bike shop looking to hire me so. when your in town look me up and we will hopefully get an urban ride or maybee a trail ride. thanks again guys peace.

ohh and biggins yeh its eric as in sgs eric, and i would but im dating someone right now so i cant do to much. so i guess ill have to cya at monkey fest man. :thumb: ohh and glad to hear that your not done with ridin. i had just heard some bad news about you from james and you not riding any more came up.


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
wish you luck on building your stuff on existing trails. we tried that here years ago & all the X-C weenies came out from under their rocks, and you never heard such crying, whining, political games etc... thats why we are on private land now. but the hard work is worth it. look forward to meeting you here at the "rock".


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
Dude we have some guys (Jeremey R) that drives 3 hrs each way to ride Windrock. I know fuel is expensive, but there are a few guys from Nashville you could carpool with.


Jul 19, 2002
Central NC
I can tell you where there is some great DH potential in the Sequatchie Valley near Dunlap TN. With excelent shuttleing. It's about 2 hours from the Nashville Airport. I40 to 111 south. The place has sport climbing and Hang Gliding.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2001
TM1 said:
I can tell you where there is some great DH potential in the Sequatchie Valley near Dunlap TN. With excelent shuttleing. It's about 2 hours from the Nashville Airport. I40 to 111 south. The place has sport climbing and Hang Gliding.

who, what, where, when


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
a-town biatches
yeh i deffinatly know about butch and jeremy who travel all that way, but they dont do it every weekend. there is no way on a college kids salary and with little free time that i can make that trip every weekend, but im deffinatly getting up there. ohh and carpoolin is a good idea.

ohh and dhbuilder these are the xc weinies building the stunts. i know xc and stunts dont mix. thats where my background and experties comes in handy, and there trying to do it leagally so they dont get torn down and then have to get rebuilt. thanks for the input fellas


Jul 19, 2002
Central NC
It's Called Henson Gap at Lewis Chapel Mountain just off 111 about 30 miles north of Chattanooga. There is the Tennessee Tree Toppers Hang Glider site at the top of the mountain that you can see from the overlook on 111. From the overlook the rocks to the north is a climbing spot they call the "pinnacles", the pilots call it the "Southwest site".

I'm the guy who founded the Hang Glider site, built the community around it and built miles and miles of bike trails on the mountain.

Henson creek goes down the center of the Gap and would be an awesome DH. Huge rocks and very rugged terrain. Access would be from the old Henson Gap Rd.

On the Mountain, about 3 1/2 miles south of the Hang Glider site is Jack Gap. (There is a power line cut going up the mountain there) There is an old road dateing back to before the Civil war that dumps out on to Hwy 127. It's still public access as far as I know. I used to ride it back in the day on my old schwinn. The big 4 wheel trucks used it. Huge rock drops and massive bermed turns. Lots and lots of rock. Way over my head back then on a rigid bike.

The road has not been used due to pine beetle blow downs. But, that can be remmodied with a single work day and few good men with chain saws. Cut down the road to a waiting truck and drive back up on 127. I always wanted to poach a line from the steepest part of top of the ridge down to the old road. A line off that would make windrock look tame.

I was hoping to be there over labor day weekend. Plans may get thwarted. But, if I can make it I have an empty house at the Hang Glider site to stay in.(my renter moved out.)


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
a-town biatches
okay so your saying that they road has a bunch of trees that have fallen onto it. well im smelling a work day to clear that thing out. if its as good as you say it is it would be worth the effort, and not trying to impose or anything but we could stay the night in the house and get up the next morning a do some dh runs. hopefully if that poched line is as badass as you say it is then we will have to start working on that thing man. geese maybee living in nashville aint so bad after all. okay guys i appreciate all this input its being put to valuable use.


Jul 19, 2002
Central NC
OK, The trip is a go! I'll be in Dunlap Sat Sept 3. It's a full eight hour drive from Tar River to Dunlap, so, I'll be travelling Sat AM and Monday PM.

I'll be riding the trails Sat evening. Working to open the old road Sunday. With a good crew we could knock it out early. Hopefully with enough energy and daylight to get ride in. Ride Monday before leaveing.

We can stay in my house on the mountain. It's completely empty so folding chairs and air matresses are a good idea. The power and water should be on.

Anybody want to be part of this effort post up here


Jul 28, 2002
Knoxville, TN
Man, I would really like to help with that, but I am in the process of moving to Knoxville so I can't during that weekend.
Please post future work days, I'll be glad to join, and hopefully ride too!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
a-town biatches
okay i wasnt talking labor day weekend i will be in asheville. all weekend so i cant help you man looks like another time would be better unless you can find the man power man. i would help you but my birthday and my girlfriend needs some tlc too so i cant be neglegting that now can i. :thumb:


Jul 19, 2002
Central NC
It's not like I can make 1000 mile trips often. I got stunts to build and trails to maintain you know. Once I get this old road reopened yall will be on your own for awhile to cut the line down from the top of the mountain.

There are big rock drops on the XC trails to hit on labor day. And, I can show you some bluffs that are dropable. Who's up for some Bender impersonations.
Dude, I just left Fort Campbell last year. If your looking to build some jumps and some freeride stunts there is a place up in Clarksville that I used to ride that has alot of potential. Its Rotory park there in Clarksville.

If your interested go talk to Sam at the Bicycle center there in Clarksville. He's a roadie the majority of the time but has la few friends that freeride.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
a-town biatches
hey tm just give me directions man. i didnt know that you lived 1000 miles away from there. just give me something so that i can find the place man. it would be so awsome to take a trip up there and just rip (to camp of course). so thanks for the info man hope to cya around. ohh next time you get up there hit me up man. :thumb:


Jul 19, 2002
Central NC
Actually it's 500 miles each way, 1000 miles roung trip. If nobody is coming out to help, I'll just ride the trails that are there. It's gonna take like 4 people to clear the old road. 2 with saws and 2 tossing debrie. I've been trying to get a crew out here all year. I made the trip over Memorial day and the XC riders from Chattanooga came out to do some work on the South Rim Trail, but, they had no interest in opening DH.

You can find the place easy enough with the directions I posted earlier in this thread and a gazzateer. Need more help PM me.


Jul 19, 2002
Central NC
I'm canceling my trip to Tenn this weekend because of the gas shortage. I'll make it back later, maybe in Nov. Anyone wanting to see a decent DH run in the Sequatchie Valley just Drop me a PM.


Jul 18, 2004
CHeck out Higher Ground in Franklin (south of Nashville). Its not DH, but they are adding some jumps and what not along the trails. Theres some decent stuff to play around on out there. Go to MTBR.com and look at the directions there.


Jul 19, 2002
Central NC
Franklin is barely a half hour drive from anywhere in Nashville. You wouldn't drive a half hour to check out some new jumps?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
a-town biatches
yeh have you checked out gas prices. im not sayin that i dont want to im just sayin i have work and class and way to many things to do and dont have that much time to make a 30 min drive to find some trails. i will get out there when i can, but right now i dont have the time.