
terrorist attack in israel about 6 local time


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
im in israel right now and about 20 miles from the hotel im at right now there were ambulences evorywere and its kinda scetch. so far about 2 hours after it happend 2 israelis and the bomber are dead and about 30 are injured, this kind of **** pisses me off more than anything else. otherwise i am having the most amazing experience of my life and i am doing a **** load of stuff with some of my good jew friends, o and ghettoGT and slolomrider you ****s were right the Arabs are trying to blow me up


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
you are why i am fearful of america's future


TheMontashu said:
i have been up for 36 hours give me a fing break
You're no more intelligent on a good night's sleep. Glad you're not dead though.


MtnBikerChk said:
Stay safe #4.

(except we don't call it TEMPLE. There was only 1 TEMPLE and it burned).

FROM JEW CREW MEMBER #1 - raised in an Orthodox synagogue.
Uhm - nothing has burned here in Temple.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
Toshi said:
you are why i am fearful of america's future
it's the US government that has the larger role in america's future. they need to stop medling in areas they don't belong.....


Cooter Brown said:
UH HUH, dog houses burn in Temple, I know how you roll :cool:
That was actually in Comfort, but that dog house did get respected.



TheMontashu said:
. . . otherwise i am having the most amazing experience of my life . . .
llkoolkeg said:
They only way I'll ever see the Holy Land is from 3000 miles away. Too bad, really, 'cause I bet it's a nice place apart from all the structures stained with entrail juices.

Montashu, glad to hear that you are "otherwise" having a great time there. Jerusalem is a beautiful dear city to me as well. I loved seeing the layers of history etched in the cobble stones and old houses, much like the charm of the back streets of Istanbul / Constantinople.

Jerusalem is especially significant to me because of one memorable Jewish feast day of Pentecost when people of different languages "Parthians, Medes, Elamites, inhabitants of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia . . . Egypt and the districts of Libya near Cyrene, as well as travelers from Rome, Jews . . . Cretans and Arabs" all could fully understand in one accord.

Hopefully people of all different languages can assemble, again, to commemorate the universal nature of the Jewish tradition. . . free from murderous hate and barriers of languages and other sort.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
enkidu said:
Jerusalem is especially significant to me because of one memorable Jewish feast day of Pentecost when people of different languages "Parthians, Medes, Elamites, inhabitants of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia . . . Egypt and the districts of Libya near Cyrene, as well as travelers from Rome, Jews . . . Cretans and Arabs" all could fully understand in one accord.

Hopefully people of all different languages can assemble, again, to commemorate the universal nature of the Jewish tradition. . . free from murderous hate and barriers of languages and otherwise.
Very well said about Shavuot................ :thumb:


Montashu, did you go to Petra, the Nabataean caravan-city not far from the Dead Sea?

Or Mt. Nebo, from where Moses saw the promised land right before his death? Several magnificent Byzantine mosaic panels are preserved there.

So many great places to visit! I miss them all.