Look, I can see where you're coming from, you're basically saying 'this is the realpolitik, deal with it' - And whilst I agree neither side is the good guys, I see that as part of the problem, not the solution, and I'd go quite a long way to personally no have anything to do with such a situation. Your argument leads to war, or a cold war type situation and a general state of fear. It's perfectly possible not be in that situation just by having leaders who arn't complete fvckwits.ALEXIS_DH said:even if you were right, and threatening retaliation was "criminal". (although i´ve seen a lot of maximum ownage threats at gvmt level in the last few years)
would people rather be
a) threatened to death, if a portion of its society attacks. although its likely no single death would happen if the threat is convincing enough.
b) actually dead, when the west launches a "war on terrorism" fulfulling its own "we are the good guys" morality, at the expense of thousands of people in both sides...
threats are effective, thats reality.
a threat is what keeps the US and israel from pounding iran. is what keeps NK from getting pounded by the US. it what kept the indians and the pakistanians from nuking each other out of existance.
could not it be possible that apparently being "the inmoral bad guys" is actually more moral than giving the impression of being "the morally good guys"???
yes, threats arent nice, but they somehow serve avoid dead people. thats good enough me.
i wish i could paste a few pages on a book on decision theory i read lately.
its basically on an introductory economics level, nonetheless pretty interesting, and makes a pretty good analysis on those outguessing games and makes it easier to understand why certain decisions are made.