
Texas never lets you down


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
It *is* interesting. English has become the de facto "Universal Language"... which is fine IMO. It's still kind of dumb bothering to declare an "official" language, though.
In Hong Kong, almost all signs (street signs, things like that) are in both English and Mandarin Chinese.


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
And of the major regional BBQ types, texas is the worst. Still damn good but only a bronze medal.

I mean, that kind of is like arguing about which supermodel is hottest, but I still agree with you there.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
most of really should get over your hatred of texas.

there are plenty of ignorant backwoods people from the northeast to go around.

and you think southern accents are horrible....

Austin Bike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 26, 2003
Duh, Austin
All air traffic control tower employees speak English.

Not that it matters, just interesting.

I don't have anything to really add this morning.
That is because when you are trying to land a 20 ton aluminum tube full of people, there can be no room for interpretation.

It mostly grew out of the fact that we had one of the earliest civil aviation programs and we were one of the first countries to send planes to other countries.

If china had been first, mandarin might have been the official language.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
No....well, depends what part of the South.

You should hear the accents here in WI.


Texas still sucks though & their BBQ as well. :p
parts of the south lived in.....Louisiana, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina....I don't notice southern accents anymore...Texas....lived there, wouldn't recognize the accent.

A friend of my brothers in Colorado was from Wisconsin...you would never know he was from there until you asked him to talk with the accent....jesus it was fvcking funny.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
A friend of my brothers in Colorado was from Wisconsin...you would never know he was from there until you asked him to talk with the accent....jesus it was fvcking funny.
Up here it seems like you either have no accent or too much of one.

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
instantly reminded me of the warehouse workers at one of the distribution centers my dad ran in boston.
Nothing is better for ridiculously overzealous Boston accents than the movie 'The Departed.' I'm from Boston, and have a slight accent myself (I was able to get rid of it for the most part), but goddamn it makes me LOL whenever I watch that movie.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I hate Texas so much I don't even buy gas at Texaco.

The official language of America should be English. That's the language with which our government operates, and that's the language in which the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were written. I'm all about preserving cultural heritage, but if I move to a different country, or were even to be working in another country for a substantial period of time, I'd make damn sure I learn the native language.
You think if we stop printing government signs in Spanish and Chinese, that's makes America strong?

Or by having documents in a few languages, then immigrants won't learn English?

Or the day comes when your kids might travel overseas for business or pleasure, and everyone feels sorry for them because they can only speak American?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2006
Having an official language does not mean that you can not learn a second.

Spanish would be useful as a second language, unless you only travel to Quebec.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
You think if we stop printing government signs in Spanish and Chinese, that's makes America strong?

Or by having documents in a few languages, then immigrants won't learn English?
It's not so much a matter of the language, but the fact that we're catering to a portion of the population who, in substantial numbers, are in the country illegally. When there was an in-flux or European immigrants at the turn of the last century, were businesses or the government going significantly out of the way to accomodate them? So why start now? As I've stated before, I'm very much in favor of cultural heritage, but the line has to be drawn somewhere. There's a huge difference between being accomodating to those who are learning and letting yourself be a doormat to those who are too lazy to learn.

Or the day comes when your kids might travel overseas for business or pleasure, and everyone feels sorry for them because they can only speak American?
You mean like today? I've traveled abroad for both business and pleasure. While I wasn't fluent in the languages of the countries I was visiting, I had enough sense to try and learn some basic stuff to help myself get around (and keep a copy of common phrases/translations in case I wound up lost).

If I were moving to another country, or was going to be there for a long term stay on business, you can be damn sure I'd learn at least some of the language before I go. But that's just me. If you're too lazy to do at least that, then you deserve your ticket on the failboat.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I am going to walk down Market Street with a sign that says this:

讲中文? Get Out!
What's wrong with that? You know I am....:p
The statement was tongue in cheek. Languages and culture evolve. As they do, people tend to carry on about it rather than to adapt gracefully.

If I were to pick up a second language, I'd be torn between Spanish (now very useful in the United States) and French - it it were French, I would want to learn the Québécois flavor since I would mostly use it with my friends from the Montreal area.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
The statement was tongue in cheek. Languages and culture evolve. As they do, people tend to carry on about it rather than to adapt gracefully.

If I were to pick up a second language, I'd be torn between Spanish (now very useful in the United States) and French - it it were French, I would want to learn the Québécois flavor since I would mostly use it with my friends from the Montreal area.
I took 5 years of French, actually 3 years but 2 were "compressed". When I would go to Quebec I could never understand anything and figure my education was a failure, written words were fine. An ex-pat Quebecer friend who I can never understand had a friend from France visiting and I could pretty much understand everything she said. Go figure.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
The statement was tongue in cheek. Languages and culture evolve. As they do, people tend to carry on about it rather than to adapt gracefully.

If I were to pick up a second language, I'd be torn between Spanish (now very useful in the United States) and French - it it were French, I would want to learn the Québécois flavor since I would mostly use it with my friends from the Montreal area.
I guess the fact that your friends speak it, it makes it "useful", but apart from that, it's kinda useless outside of Quebec. I much prefer the Quebec accent too. France French irritates me more than the Quebec accent...fromage.

Kudos for making the effort to find the accents for your "e"s.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
If it was a waste of time, you didn't study it. It's of considerable help when considering the intricacies of English and other languages.
I am a graphic artist & animator, i get paid to make pretty promos that make people want to stay on the couch & watch TV.

No way any of that crap applies to what I do.

PLUS it was a damn satellite course & our 'teacher' didn't know ****, so I ended up knowing more than her.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 20, 2006
The Ranch
If English was declared the national language we could save a decent amount of money by only printing things in English. You walk in to the Secretary of States office and every sign is made twice once in English and once in Spanish. When you factor in the cost of translating everything, and printing everything there is some money to be saved.

Honestly if we do it for Spanish we should do it for every language. Why should the guy that came here from France need to learn English when the guy from Mexico does not?

The thing that pisses me off the most are the people that do know English but pretend they don't. They get absolutely no respect from me.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Honestly if we do it for Spanish we should do it for every language. Why should the guy that came here from France need to learn English when the guy from Mexico does not?
Ding ding! we have a winner. Either do it for everyone, or do it for no one.