
Thank you for all of the help at Diablo today folks!!

ska todd

Turbo Monkey
Oct 10, 2001
Hi everyone. I just walked thru the door today from a crazy day over at Diablo for me. I didn't even make it 1/2 a run before exploding on the last jump on Lower Dominion. I knocked myself clean out and broke my collarbone. I know Jack was there to help me and I met two other people in the parking lot after I came back from the hospital who helped too but I was too foggy to get their names.

Thank you SO much to everyone who came to my aid or helped out. Huge thanks to Shawn for taking personal time from the event today to check on me and help me out, call my family, etc.

-ska todd


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
I broke mine 6 years ago- not even doing anything crazy, just riding with a hang over. Heal up bro. I hope your kids don't beat you up too bad- they never think super daddy can ever get hurt:)


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Suck to hear Todd and sounds painful. Both mine have been broken too.

That last jump on lower dominion is tricky as its easy to over shoot even if do not have too much speed on the one before.

I hope you heal up quickly!

ska todd

Turbo Monkey
Oct 10, 2001
Thanks guys. I don't blame the jump, just too much speed and not nuff skill on my part! There was so much traction and High Rollers were rolling way fast :) 6-8 weeks and I'll be back at it!

-ska todd


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2007
Champery, Switzerland
Sorry to hear that. Get well soon. My collarbone is heavily modified and still works fine....well almost fine.

P.S. Don't tighten the little backpack/brace too much in the beginning or one shoulder will be farther back then the other.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 28, 2005
Pa. / North Jersey
From the way Todd described it to me over the phone yesterday, it sounded like he was hauling some serious ass coming into the Lower Dominion Jumpline.

It was his first run of the day and he said that he boosted the first table no problem, so he kept off the brakes LAUNCHED the second table, didn't think much of it and then "Sent it like he Meant it" over the third table and came down toward the bottom of the tranny.

What's nuts is that the last table is HUGE and when you really send it over that thing with speed you can get Michael Jordan - style hang time.

Glad to know he is OK and none the worse for wear. After he slammed, Todd said he didn't remember anything until he was in the X-Ray Dept. at the hospital. He said he stood up after stacking it, and then sat down and talked to some people, but doesn't remember any of it.

Todd and I were both thinking, maybe Moto helmets may be in our future. :hmm:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Damn Todd. Heal up quick yo!

As much drama as is sometimes associated with Diablo, their clientèle still has enough class to help a brotha out :thumb:


I'm normal
Oct 2, 2001
Northern Va.
Man, sorry to hear that dude.

That last one almost took me out last year. My buddy over shot it so I decided to under shoot it and perform the ugliest nose tap man kind has ever seen.............Def. had to change the draws after that one!

heal up quick!