
Thank you Spokane


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
The Subaru-IMBA Trail Care Crew Trail School was a huge success.We had about 30 attendees to the trail school. Our project was a demonstration trail at Camp Sekani that is the first trail in the proposed skills/challenge park. It's a fun little section, with lots of easier slick rock lines and a little chute to drop through. We built 950 feet of sustainable trail in 2.5 hours.

I've got to really hand it to Ryan and Kristin. They've built and managed bike parks prior to being the trail care crew, and they really understand the potential of Beacon. "Great Terrrain!!" is one of the things we heard all weekend long. They've helped us gain a little focus on the bike park process, and letting us know what we are doing right, plus providing feedback on what we can improve.

Cutting out timber:

Armoring a rock chute

and the obligatory group photo.

We had folks from Mt. Spokane ski area, Riverside, Schweitzer, local bike shops, conservation workers, hikers and of course lots of mountain bikers.

The design team for the skills/challenge park will be meeting in a few weeks to start putting the plan together.

Next FTTRC meeting is this Weds. 9/19 David's Pizza 7 PM.

thanks, everyone.