
Thanks, BV, Transcend, SS


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
Thanks so much for the input on my web page menus inquiry. I spent some time consolidating and reorganizing info last night, and it's much improved, more navigable. However, now the other issues with the site are more glaring - such as lack of graphics, etc. Oh well, that's another issue entirely. I don't do graphics, and my bro has yet to come up with a budget even though I keep telling him his site REALLY needs something else visually. Any of you guys do that kind of stuff, and might willing to quote me privately on some ideas?

Thanks again for the ideas. I guess I don't quite suck at this as much as I thought - I got an inquiry from an organization yesterday wanting me to do their site for pay. I have two organizations and three businesses I maintain/do site for, that's more than enough

(www.stevedeutschmusic.com site in question)