
The 2004 Ouachita Challenge Newz!!!

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
The premier MTB Epic group ride is now a two day race/ride!!!


From: "Mike Kelsey" <kelseym@omniark.com
To: <Recipient list suppressed>
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 11:05 AM
Subject: Ouachita Challenge- Registration to open soon!

First Things First...

Please let me know if you wish to no longer receive the Ouachita
Challenge Newsletter and I will remove you from the list.

I have had many inquiries as to when registration for the Ouachita Challenge will be open. Registration will be open soon and will be announced by way of the newsletter.

I am confident that in 2004, that all that register should be able to
participate. We had to turn away so many last year... The plan for 2004 will be to have a two day event, consisting of a Tour on Saturday, and a Race on Sunday. Yes! By popular demand, we will be providing a race format for the Ouachita Challenge. Changing to a two day format will allow us to register more riders. Again we will be restricted to 200 participants per day, but this will double our total number of riders/racers that can participate.

All you will have to do is pick either the Tour or the Race. Can you
believe it??? Some have inquired as to whether there will be a
discount for individuals that want to do both days!

We have a new course for 2004. Course will be run clockwise, and will access the Ouachita Trail first, presenting the access to the great trails around the Big Brushy Trailhead. This will be all new trail for the Challenge. In fact, not a single bit of the Ouachita Trail from last year will be ridden. That means Suck Mountain is out, but do not fret, as there will be another great challenge on Blowout Mountain. All of the Womble Trail from Hwy 298 Trailhead and West will be used, making for a little easier finish for those that go the distance, and will provide more frequent bail-out options.

There will be many improvements to the 2004 Ouachita Challenge with more sponsors, T-shirts to all registrants, and more awards.

What to look forward to in upcoming newsletters…

1. Registration to Open
2. Presentation of the 2004 Course map and profile and trail description
3. Sneak Peak at the Ouachita Challenge T-shirt
4. A Thanksgiving Day pre-ride of all of the new Ouachita Trail
section of the Ouachita Challenge.

I will be glad to answer any questions, as long as the question is
not "When Will Registration Open".

LINK: The 2004 Ouachita Challenge

Mike Kelsey


Apr 10, 2002
The Natural State
I can't decide if I want to do it again in '04. Did it last year on the single speed, so I dont really have much to prove this year (if I only had a fixie!). Would set my goals to do the race on Sunday but I dont want to burn myself out by training hard all winter, thats whats happened to me this year, trained all winter long for this thing this year and I was pretty well burnt out on riding by May, which has really screwed up my racing for the year... at least it sounds like this year it may not get booked up, so I might not have to commit to it in November like we did last year...


Nov 29, 2002
I might be uo for this one. I heard there might be a Turkey Mountain race in Oct, which I will do instead if true, but if not I might do this one. Was planning on going down the saturday before with some people but would rather race.

N8 - I think the link in your post was for the spring Womble ride. I looked at the ambcs site and came up with this link for the race:

Womble Mountain Bike Classic

Anyway, do any of you know if there are any motels or cabins near this race? I just got back from a weekend in AR camping and not sure if I wanna wake up in another cold, wet campground for awhile. TIA

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Originally posted by MikeOK
I might be uo for this one. I heard there might be a Turkey Mountain race in Oct, which I will do instead if true, but if not I might do this one. Was planning on going down the saturday before with some people but would rather race.

N8 - I think the link in your post was for the spring Womble ride. I looked at the ambcs site and came up with this link for the race:

Womble Mountain Bike Classic

Anyway, do any of you know if there are any motels or cabins near this race? I just got back from a weekend in AR camping and not sure if I wanna wake up in another cold, wet campground for awhile. TIA
There is quite a places to stay in Mt Ida.

The Challange is a ride in the spring...usually late Mar/early Apr. The Classic is a bike race in Oct.