
The agony of defeat (semi-rant)


I Love Cheap Beer!
OK, so it's not Wide World of Sports-level drama, but here goes...

I decided to do the final race in this Wed. night XC series that I'm doing, despite the fact I did this 6 Hours of Pummeling endurance race this past Sunday. The course isn't too tough -- a 2.5 mile loop with about 35% of it wooded twisty singletrack. I went there with the notion that I had a remote possible outside ghost of a chance of finishing 3rd in the standings for my class. (I didn't know for sure because the results for the previous race weren't posted online yet.) When I got there, I found out that my minute chance was no longer there because I only finished 6th in the last race.

OK, I thought, that's sort of a relief cuz I don't have to kill myself and just ride to finish and make some sort of accomplishment that I can do 2 races in a week (hey, for me that's BIG). Who knows what I'm going to feel like once the race starts. Am I even fully recovered from the 6HOP?

So the race starts and I'm fighting lactic acid for about the 1st lap. A couple people pass me, but I manage to pass 1 or 2 myself, so I'm not doing bad. Come lap 2, I see the roadsign for Bonkville, and the GU I took at the end of lap 1 hasn't kicked in yet. I fight off the bonk while I'm listening to my right lobe argue with my left lobe:

"Don't kill yourself. You've got a Monkeyfest this weekend and you want to be able to ride, right?"
"Shaddap. How will you ever know what you have in you unless you give it your all? Besides, you have a couple days to recover."

So the latter wins out and I'm finding the energy to start putting the hammer down. I start to feel really great and start picking off riders on laps 3 and 4. At one point I'm horsing it up a hill so much so that my front wheel is bouncing around, but plenty of power in the back to pull away from the nearest guy behind me. (Jackalopes -- think Denny Creed :D )
So I'm feeling the best I've felt in this race series and am able to pass 1 more rider before the downhill section at the end of lap 4. One more lap to go and I know I still have the energy (thank you, makers of GU). At the bottom of the downhill I hear "floppityfloppityfloppity," look down and see my front tire sinking. The rocky, potholey downhill got me. My chances of finishing in the top 5 are gone, but I want to finish. In haste to rejoin, I pull boneheaded move #42 -- putting my freshly-tubed wheel back into the dropouts, I bend the $hit outta the Avid disc pad retaining springs with my rotor. (An equally boneheaded design.) It's hosed and my front wheel can't spin freely. All that ambition and energy, only to DNF. :(

Well, at least I knew that I had it in me and that I would've been able to finish strong. It's just too bad I couldn't have improved my overall points standing for the series.

OK. Gripe session over. I'm off to get some dinner.
Mmmmmmmmmm… Grape Nuts!


I Love Cheap Beer!
Originally posted by douglas
GREAT effort!

I also had to DNF (mechanical reasons) in a xc race before, sucks BIG time!
Funny thing was, I think everyone who was there that did the 6HOP was cursed. Two other guys DNF'd, and one guy showed up and forgot his helmet/gloves/shoes etc. (Good thing tho, he would've wiped the dirt with everyone. :D )


Want fries with that?
Jan 4, 2002
Originally posted by Tweek
OK, so it's not Wide World of Sports-level drama, but here goes...

I decided to do the final race in this Wed. night XC series that I'm doing, despite the fact I did this 6 Hours of Pummeling endurance race this past Sunday. The course isn't too tough -- a 2.5 mile loop with about 35% of it wooded twisty singletrack. I went there with the notion that I had a remote possible outside ghost of a chance of finishing 3rd in the standings for my class. (I didn't know for sure because the results for the previous race weren't posted online yet.) When I got there, I found out that my minute chance was no longer there because I only finished 6th in the last race.

OK, I thought, that's sort of a relief cuz I don't have to kill myself and just ride to finish and make some sort of accomplishment that I can do 2 races in a week (hey, for me that's BIG). Who knows what I'm going to feel like once the race starts. Am I even fully recovered from the 6HOP?

So the race starts and I'm fighting lactic acid for about the 1st lap. A couple people pass me, but I manage to pass 1 or 2 myself, so I'm not doing bad. Come lap 2, I see the roadsign for Bonkville, and the GU I took at the end of lap 1 hasn't kicked in yet. I fight off the bonk while I'm listening to my right lobe argue with my left lobe:

"Don't kill yourself. You've got a Monkeyfest this weekend and you want to be able to ride, right?"
"Shaddap. How will you ever know what you have in you unless you give it your all? Besides, you have a couple days to recover."

So the latter wins out and I'm finding the energy to start putting the hammer down. I start to feel really great and start picking off riders on laps 3 and 4. At one point I'm horsing it up a hill so much so that my front wheel is bouncing around, but plenty of power in the back to pull away from the nearest guy behind me. (Jackalopes -- think Denny Creed :D )
So I'm feeling the best I've felt in this race series and am able to pass 1 more rider before the downhill section at the end of lap 4. One more lap to go and I know I still have the energy (thank you, makers of GU). At the bottom of the downhill I hear "floppityfloppityfloppity," look down and see my front tire sinking. The rocky, potholey downhill got me. My chances of finishing in the top 5 are gone, but I want to finish. In haste to rejoin, I pull boneheaded move #42 -- putting my freshly-tubed wheel back into the dropouts, I bend the $hit outta the Avid disc pad retaining springs with my rotor. (An equally boneheaded design.) It's hosed and my front wheel can't spin freely. All that ambition and energy, only to DNF. :(

Well, at least I knew that I had it in me and that I would've been able to finish strong. It's just too bad I couldn't have improved my overall points standing for the series.

OK. Gripe session over. I'm off to get some dinner.
Mmmmmmmmmm… Grape Nuts!
damn dude that sucks, sorry to hear you were feeling good and had that happen to you :(


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Thanks for the write-up. Sorry about the mechanical - those piss me off the most.

Keep at it!


7034 miles, still no custom title
Jan 6, 2003
Shadows of Mt Boney, CA.
You woulda killed yourself anyway - riding without a rear brake is doable - front, I'm not so sure.

As for the bling - be proud of it man, that frame looks sweet. You just need a tooth to match.


Mar 26, 2002
I am really sorry to hear about your mech. That sucks big time when you know you can do it and something out of your control happens.

The 2 lobes talking to each other was very funny, good stuff :thumb:


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Originally posted by ghostrider
You woulda killed yourself anyway - riding without a rear brake is doable - front, I'm not so sure.

As for the bling - be proud of it man, that frame looks sweet. You just need a tooth to match.

hello, endo city

I'll take no front brake opposed to no rear brake