Don't think that with global tension over oil that being reduced to walking speed isn't entirely out of the question. Don't you think that if everyone went for a bit of a walk everyday rather than a bit of a drive we wouldn't be better off?
The uniform speed limit was signed into law by Nixon. Carter told people to turn down the thermostat and put on a sweater as well as put solar panels on the whitehouse which Reagan removed.
Your reaction to the proposal is no different than 90 percent of the well intentioned do nothings. Everyone wants to save the planet, reduce our consumption and get the burden of foreign oil off of our back, but everyone wants to do it with 350 hp or zero to 60 times under 5 seconds. What most see as an inconvenience, I see as a glimmer of hope. I see the possibility of my kids having just a bit more if I sacrifice the ability and so-called need to do 90 miles an hour.
I think that major lifestyle changes need to be made for future sustainability, and I agree that doing little things isn't likely to alter the trajectory of things significantly. I simply think that having speed-limited vehicles is idiotic. There are many valid reasons to exceed an arbitrary speed such as when overtaking, making room for a merging vehicle, avoiding being in the blind spot of another vehicle, etc.I say go beyond speed limits and electronically limit cars to 60mph and trucks to 55mph.
If/when energy comes very pricey with peak oil and the like then switching to different forms of transport that may well be limited by their design to lower speeds, prototypes of which are in abundance in this thread, may be in order. Until propulsion systems (eg, efficient electrics with a sustainable power grid supplying the juice), aerodynamics (eg, Aptera-style), and traffic patterns are optimized I think arbitrarily restricting speed should be low on the list of priorities.