pretty sparse pickings both on craigslist and eBay Motors. hmph. oh well, i have plenty of time and no real pressure to ditch the RX-8.Civic HX would be sweet. Much like the CRX HF, they are less ghetto makeovers due to the lack of "tuner" allure.
I haven't seen many of them, but that's not to say they aren't out there.
more realistically i think local availability will be the deciding factor. corolla, tercel, echo, yaris, civic vx, hx or otherwise, insight, old prius, anything decently small in size off the top half of the list below: they'd all work and be roughly equivalent in the grand scheme.
i think the next object of my obsessions should be to figure out if any of the cheap (ie, not Brammo Enertia or Vectrix) electric scooters have had their performance and range verified by 3rd parties.