
the b@st@rds took my bike- please help me


Turbo Monkey
Mar 21, 2004
We got home from various weekend excursions (no on was home all weekend) and started noticing that drawers were open. I realized that a jar of about $25 in change was gone, then my little bro noticed a jar of cash missing from his room. It was weird cause i had about $150 in cash in a cigar box in a drawar in my room, and the drawar was left open, but the cigar box was still there. So, i went outside, opened the shed, and my bike was gone. We later discovered that about $700 in camera stuff had been taken from my mom, and some of her empty purses had been rummaged through. Oh, and the master bedroom hadnt been touched. The police came today (we discovered all this on tues) and they think the robers broke in, heared our door, which rings when its opened, though it was a silent alarm, so the got what they could as quick as they could and took of on my bike and an old schwinn we had. So, if anyone sees someone riding a red and silver 2003 Haro Escape 8.1 with a sherman firefly, and race face evolve dh cranks i would like to ask that you run over them with your car, then throw it in reverse, run over them again, and then call the police. Seriously though, if u see it, let me know. If anyone else has any suggestions (especially officer manimal) please dont hesitate to lemme know. Oh yeah, i live in Winston-Salem NC.
babeApple cam
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Feb 9, 2004
o my gosh, im so sorry! If I were you I'd look at the pawn shops, thats where bikes seem to turn up, or ebay. Hope you find it!


Jun 6, 2002
That sucks :angry: I'll keep an eye out for it. Do you have the serial #? That would help and I would call all the shops so they can keep an eye out for it.