
The Banshee LEGEND is almost reborn . . .

Steve M

Turbo Monkey
Mar 3, 2007
So amped for this... can't wait to be back on one of these! Keith has really gone to impressive lengths to take on board all the feedback from the Mk1, and it's good to see that every single problem area (that I am aware of) has been markedly addressed. No BS, just "Ok, that needs fixing" and a suitable solution found. Reliability paired with a super solid ride characteristic should be ****in sweet!
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Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2007
Champery, Switzerland
Those bikes look cool and everyone seems to be happy. I think it was a good call to go to bearings. Good work fellas!

Socket: Have you been riding the Mk1? How did you get along with the bushings?


Nov 17, 2007
Maumee, Ohio
The MkII is definitely on my bike related bucket list. Gorgeous.

On a side note I was reading Banshee's blog and Jay MacNeil mentioned that he has permanently move to Taiwan to personally oversee production. Props to him for making that sacrifice. Jay and Keith are absolutely determined to put Banshee at the forefront of the industry and they are working fervently to make it happen. The new boxes and packaging methods that Jay came up with are friggin sweet!


Turbo Monkey
I love my Mk1 (especially now that I've got the suspension dialled) and have got a Mk2 on the way, wouldn't have anything else. And somehow it's just gotten sexier with the forgings. Going to look awesome in ano.

That forging that connects the BB to the seat tube - how did they do that? I don't know much about forging, but that looks pretty tricky.

Just wondering, is anyone else out there doing Ti hardware as standard equipment?

Steve M

Turbo Monkey
Mar 3, 2007
Those bikes look cool and everyone seems to be happy. I think it was a good call to go to bearings. Good work fellas!

Socket: Have you been riding the Mk1? How did you get along with the bushings?
I was on a Mk1 until July, spent about a month on it in Whistler plus 8 months at home in Aus. Basically it rode awesome and was super planted, but yeah the bushings basically didn't work as planned. Somehow the plastic IGUS bushings managed to significantly wear into all the alloy pivot axles (and even scored the stainless main pivot!), I think they're just too much hassle for a DH bike. You probably could make it work with different materials and coatings and whatnot, but the tolerances have to be SUPER tight in order that there's no play but also low friction. Not an impossible task but IMO an impractical one for a DH bike. Bearings are just so much easier to get right, even though they are heavier and probably slightly less stiff.

The other common problem was with the swingarm uprights - a few of us broke them (apparently I was the first in the world - my claim to fame :) ), and unfortunately as they didn't have many spare swingarms (pre production run remember) after I cracked a 2nd one I ended up having to buy a new frame. Banshee offered to hook me up with a Scythe in the interim but I found a decent deal on a Sunday so I took that until the Mk2s are ready. Anyway the uprights have been completely revised and are now way beefier than before, so they shouldn't be an issue anymore

I love my Mk1 (especially now that I've got the suspension dialled) and have got a Mk2 on the way, wouldn't have anything else. And somehow it's just gotten sexier with the forgings. Going to look awesome in ano.

That forging that connects the BB to the seat tube - how did they do that? I don't know much about forging, but that looks pretty tricky.

Just wondering, is anyone else out there doing Ti hardware as standard equipment?
Yeah that huge 1pc forging is nuts hey! That was a two piece welded part on the Mk1. The links in particular look freakin awesome.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
I'm stoked on the release in 2 weeks. Kinda wish I went with the ccdb but I prefer to ride more than bling my bike up. The bike looks great so far and it will probably be a serious obstacle to my exam session in late jan ;)


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
The polished looks very sexy. If only I had maching parts I'd go that way. Beast - which color you take?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
ok something that irks me that I want to point out:

3 color full coverage printing on a bike box? why in the world was that deemed necessary?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 13, 2007
Polished looks like liquid metal... Terminator? :D

ok something that irks me that I want to point out:

3 color full coverage printing on a bike box? why in the world was that deemed necessary?
Brand image creation.
Aug 11, 2009
ok something that irks me that I want to point out:

3 color full coverage printing on a bike box? why in the world was that deemed necessary?
unless you are talking about another different photo of a box, I only see one colour print, varying shades of black...

Oh and the polished ally + ano red is pretty.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
unless you are talking about another different photo of a box, I only see one colour print, varying shades of black...
Yea, but generally the way the manufacturer of the box will break down the pricing and the color profile and printing process being used, it'll count as 3 colors, or 2 at the bare minimum (you can't make white ink from black ink).

Also, bike boxes are doublewall corrugate, which is EXPENSIVE, especially at that blank size(at least in the world of packaging). To get more than just black printing, you also needed the outer layer to be bleached (instead of brown), which adds to the cost (cost of bleaching the slurry and the additives - like clay - to get a smooth printing surface). Corrugate is printed pretty much exclusively using flexo, which can be a real PITA because of the already mediocre registry (just the nature of the process), which is worsed even more by printing on doublewall.

Aug 11, 2009
dude its black print on white card, I'll concede having the gloss white card is more expensive than regular natural card board, but in no way is there more than one colour ink being printed.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?

dude its black print on white card, I'll concede having the gloss white card is more expensive than regular natural card board, but in no way is there more than one colour ink being printed.
so hows the packaging business going for you?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
dude its black print on white card, I'll concede having the gloss white card is more expensive than regular natural card board, but in no way is there more than one colour ink being printed.
Dude, I do this for a living. At my last job I was on the phone with Hong Kong and China on a pretty much daily basis haggling over this kind of stuff.

On that box, based on the reflection on the upper corner, that's at least a semi-gloss finish. There is no paper material in the world that can achieve that finish on corrugate WITHOUT being printed (edit: ESPECIALLY white).
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Aug 11, 2009
Last time ordered print material the way it worked was you choose your card material (board/corrugated/flutes/finish etc), and then you chose your colour range, since packaging is an essential bit that just gets thrown away, it was always a single colour, black, you pay for one plate and thats it, even if the box is white.

Thats my personal experience.

Maybe its not a screen but a lytho laminate, but that would be more crazier :thumb:

Anyway man, not trying to rock boats lol, just had a fair bit of experience with printing, maybe not box printing, but when I see a mono tone print and someone says its 3 colour process, I get confused lol.

Or are you talking about some sort of over coat/varnish?
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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Last time ordered print material the way it worked was you choose your card material (board/corrugated/flutes/finish etc), and then you chose your colour range, since packaging is an essential bit that just gets thrown away, it was always a single colour, black, you pay for one plate and thats it, even if the box is white.
Yea, generally that's the case. You cost reduce the hell out of it. Which is why I'm kinda confused about the Banshee box. Not that I think its ugly, I'm just realistic about it.

At the level of packaging I work at, we don't just send them pictures of what we want printed and tell them what kind of structure and material. We write the entire spec and create the mechanicals that are used to create all the tooling. Basically, we do just about everything short of machining the tooling and running the production lines.

Maybe its not a screen but a lytho laminate, but that would be more crazier :thumb:

Anyway man, not trying to rock boats lol, just had a fair bit of experience with printing, maybe not box printing, but when I see a mono tone print and someone says its 3 colour process, I get confused lol.
Flexography is by and far the most common way corrugate is printed in the packaging industry. To use any other method you need to be printing on microflute. And with this package, that HAS to be a 3 color process, because with Flexo each color is applied individually by roller from its own ink well.

Or are you talking about some sort of over coat/varnish?
The way corrugate is made, there are limitations to the materials you can use for the outer layers. Its hard to use a paper that has a extremely high print quality. To get a gloss (not common on corrugate) or semi-gloss finish you either need an overcoat, or an ink that is formulated with the finish you want (kind like painting drywall).
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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
this is why i keep reading the ridemonkey. you enter a forum about banshee bikes and learn a whole bunch of interesting stuff about cardboard packaging and bike boxes. :)
haha sorry for the derail. I have the bad tendency of nerding out a LOT when it comes to packaging! :nerd:

that being said, its nothing against Banshee. I think the Legend looks awesome (haven't gotten anything more than a parking lot test on it unfortunately)!


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
haha sorry for the derail. I have the bad tendency of nerding out a LOT when it comes to packaging! :nerd:

that being said, its nothing against Banshee. I think the Legend looks awesome (haven't gotten anything more than a parking lot test on it unfortunately)!
Naah it was a good read and it was kinda funny to see you be serious for the first time on rm about something as absurd as boxes ;) Sounds like a cool job btw.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Naah it was a good read and it was kinda funny to see you be serious for the first time on rm about something as absurd as boxes ;) Sounds like a cool job btw.
LOL! i still deal with boxes, just not as much. Now I deal more with foil, polymer/foil laminate pouches and tyvek and sterilization processes. And thankfully no more dealing with China (for now). Instead I get to deal with Germany, Switzerland, and Israel (at least for the projects I'm on).

Steve M

Turbo Monkey
Mar 3, 2007
Anyway back to the important stuff - anyone know the head angle of that box? Looks kinda steep but it's not side on in that pic...
Oct 29, 2007
I may be looking at this wrong, and have no experience in packaging design...but couldn't that just be a sheet of cardstock wrapped around and glued/stapled to a plain cardboard frame box? Thusly removing the intricacies of printing on cardboard out of the equation?


Dec 10, 2006
Anyway back to the important stuff - anyone know the head angle of that box? Looks kinda steep but it's not side on in that pic...
can someone please merge the image of the banshee box with a 64deg HA box for comparison? i prefer my boxes long, low and slack.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
You mean the real life? Do you belive in santa too?
Me, Santa, and the Easter Bunny are all tight. We're gonna be on the next season of Jersey Shore. Fist pump!!

I may be looking at this wrong, and have no experience in packaging design...but couldn't that just be a sheet of cardstock wrapped around and glued/stapled to a plain cardboard frame box? Thusly removing the intricacies of printing on cardboard out of the equation?
That's possible, but would also probably be MORE expensive than a 3c flexo print op.

The only reason I even brought up the printing because in all my years (including time spent working as a mechanic) I have NEVER seen this much or quality printing on a frame box. They're generally small runs (especially for a company like Banshee - no offense guys), and the end consumer only sees it about half the time, and they normally wind up in the recycle bin (or worst case in the trash).


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Where the riding is good
The only reason I even brought up the printing because in all my years (including time spent working as a mechanic) I have NEVER seen this much or quality printing on a frame box. They're generally small runs (especially for a company like Banshee - no offense guys), and the end consumer only sees it about half the time, and they normally wind up in the recycle bin (or worst case in the trash).

From the Banshee blog:

Jay MacNeil said:
I’ve even worked on special packaging for this bike because I want whoever decides to buy a Legend MkII to enjoy the whole process of not only buying it but getting it home, opening it up, looking at it for the first time and just getting excited for when they get to build it up and ride it. I will personally be doing 100% inspection on these bikes and its the least I can do to make sure you get something that is completely dialled.
Sounds like a winner to me. Who wouldn't be stoked to get a frame in something other than a worn out same-old-same-old brown box? :thumb: