
The Best of Stinkyboy!


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Random thought, who is your avatar? Every time I see it, I think about the Queen of the bad guys in the 13th Warrior.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
BTW, I made it to 1000 posts without any fanfare.

Before my first post, I have gone from the opinion that RM is a huge time-waster to the opinion that, well, it is a huge time-waster!!!


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Reactor said:
I'll never be a turbo monkey like Stinky, :think: I only post when I have something to say :dead: .
And here's four fine examples of that:

1) Tom Cruise?? What a schmuck. Maybe if he studied biology or pharmacology instead of a religion dreamed up by a third rate sci-fi author......

2) Damn, I started reading this thread picturing scantilly clad girls with collars in bondage attire.

3) I'm the robot in the back of the bar quietly drinking the 55 gal drum of kirin beer. Back in the day I really kicked butt. I still can if I need too, but have learned the value discretion.

4) Yep. I hear other guys complain all the time about how they can't find a girl to share their hobbies. The same guys act like mysognistic jerks to every woman who shows even the slightest interest in their hobby, if they don't think they are going to get laid.

Mike, if yer not too busy lurking, how's yer shoulder?


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
:) Hey, I thought that woud get a response. :)

Shoulder is better, but still not good. My rotor cuff is inflamed by the accident, and I have a bone spur which won't let the inflamation go down. I got a cortizone shot a couple of weeks ago and it's doing better.

Spent the non-riding time building up a Titus TALAS Switchblade (minute 1:00, crossmax enduro, Juicy 7's, X.9/raceface atlas drivetrain), Very sweet.

Since you're in Phoenix I'd ask you to go riding but I'd totally get my a$$ kicked.