
The big American Idiot...err Idol discussion...

dh girlie

Does every office have that group of hens (including men) that gather the day after American Idol airs to discuss who got kicked off? Jebus...they gather at the chicks desk next to mine and talk about it for like half an hour...and then log onto the site and discuss whats on the site. I mean ok...you like some gay show, that's fine, I myself enjoy plenty of shows others deem gay...but for christssake I don't gather with others to have an in depth discussion about it. The same girl will ask me the day of the show EVERY time its about to be on, which I think is like twice a week if I watch it...Its like how many times do I have to tell you I DON'T WATCH IT! GAWWWWD!


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
Does every office have that group of hens (including men) that gather the day after American Idol airs to discuss who got kicked off? Jebus...they gather at the chicks desk next to mine and talk about it for like half an hour...and then log onto the site and discuss whats on the site. I mean ok...you like some gay show, that's fine, I myself enjoy plenty of shows others deem gay...but for christssake I don't gather with others to have an in depth discussion about it. The same girl will ask me the day of the show EVERY time its about to be on, which I think is like twice a week if I watch it...Its like how many times do I have to tell you I DON'T WATCH IT! GAWWWWD!
You're starting to sound suspiciously like me...... :think:

I mean, besides the "I myself enjoy plenty of shows others deem gay" part.

Although you probably would've thought the show I watched last night was gay. :p



Not an issue here. I haven't heard mention. One of the ladies' daughter was nearly on the Bachelor, so that was a different story.


duch bag
Nov 19, 2004
Wooo Tulips!!!!
The thing that drives me crazy about that stupid show is the freakin theme song they play it all the time and after they do I am always trying to make the sounds in my head excep it never turns out right and just pisses me off


dh girlie said:
My rebuttal:

1) Don't flatter yourself

2) Probably

HAHAHAHA! Ok...I'll take the bait...What show were you watching...
Holy smokes. Now you and I are starting to agree. :thumb:

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Yeah, my whole department discusses the show after each episode. Honestly, I don't mind. As long as they are chatting with each other about that crap, they are not asking me work-related questions.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
I Are Baboon said:
Yeah, my whole department discusses the show after each episode. Honestly, I don't mind. As long as they are chatting with each other about that crap, they are not asking me work-related questions.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
I Are Baboon said:
Yeah, my whole department discusses the show after each episode. Honestly, I don't mind. As long as they are chatting with each other about that crap, they are not asking me work-related questions.
Yeah, everyone at school watches it and makes sure to ask the music teacher's opinion. They're all shocked when I tell them I have never watched and don't plan on starting!


Apr 13, 2005
Nice thing about working at a bike shop is crap like that never gets brought up. Though I'm not sure the stuff that does get brought up(fights, drunk crashes) is really any better.

dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
It was called "Japan's War in Colour" - really good documentary.

You'd be surprised at how many documentaries I watch. I have diverse taste in tv shows...I watch a lot of shows on the History channel and Discovery and A&E. Oh, and Animal Planet...I LOVE animal planet...we watched this show on real life Tasmanian Devils...they are so cute but those little bastards are pissed off ALL the time at EVERYbody, including their own babies and their own boyfriends and girlfriends. They do sound just like the one on the Bugs Bunny cartoons too. They were cool...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
You'd be surprised at how many documentaries I watch. I have diverse taste in tv shows...I watch a lot of shows on the History channel and Discovery and A&E. Oh, and Animal Planet...I LOVE animal planet...we watched this show on real life Tasmanian Devils...they are so cute but those little bastards are pissed off ALL the time at EVERYbody, including their own babies and their own boyfriends and girlfriends. They do sound just like the one on the Bugs Bunny cartoons too. They were cool...
Jeezus. How much TV do you watch?? :confused:



Apr 30, 2004
Rocktown, VA
Yes, I know what you mean! The lady secretaries here at work are in the kitchen right now discussing it, supposedly it's more rockstarish this year than in years past, regardless, I'm not watching it! :angry: Besides, it's a lot more interesting stuff to watch on TV, like last night The History Channel had a show on Organized Crime and the drug war......much better than American Idiot.

Interesting…. :think: the drug war show was aired on the date of 4/20. Coincidence?

dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
Jeezus. How much TV do you watch?? :confused:


Honestly, not that much. now that Surreal Life with peter brady is over...I have no special show to watch...I watch the Simpsons all the time. Another favorite is, That's my Baby on Animal Planet...they show an animal while it's pregnant and then throught the pregnacy and birth and the first few months of it's life...it's cool...you see lots of cute puppies and baby animals...once there was one on Alpaca's...they're really cute. Oh...pimp my rides pretty cool.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
i must cop to watching the trump show. that is entertaining. and i missed _The Office_ the other night; steve carrell is a funny bastard.

didn't watch any tube last night. trying to catch up on my mag reading...which reminds me to order a couple of cds i read about last night.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
narlus said:
i must cop to watching the trump show. that is entertaining. and i missed _The Office_ the other night; steve carrell is a funny bastard.

didn't watch any tube last night. trying to catch up on my mag reading...which reminds me to order a couple of cds i read about last night.

I really WANT to like the Office. Because Steve Carrell is hilarious. But I'm having a hard time getting into it.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Jeremy R said:
Since, you are ripping on everybody's TV choices, what do you watch yourself?
Nothing generally. I have rabbit ears, so it's not like there's much selection. Of course, if I had cable/satellite there'd just be a broader selection of crap, not just 7 channels of crap. Last night I watched a documentary on WWII.
Or do you not watch TV?
That's the goal. Unless it's a movie or some such.
Maybe you sit around naked playing bongo drums with Matthew McConaughey by candlelight? :blah:
Who in the f**k is Matthew McConaughey? And why is there a "ghey" at the end of his name? :think:



Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
My wife watches the show against my wishes. So I am often forced to watch it by default.

Fat Head should win for the sole purpose of watching him self distruct.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
dh girlie said:
The same girl will ask me the day of the show EVERY time its about to be on, which I think is like twice a week if I watch it...Its like how many times do I have to tell you I DON'T WATCH IT! GAWWWWD!
"Hey man, you see last night's episode of Popular Reality Show? Yeah, no, yeah? Ya missed a good one man, missed a good one. I mean, people were getting kicked off left and right, yeah, I mean, some people got kicked on..."

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