
The big fat movie thread


free wieners
Meg 2: The trench = sharknado style cinema, couple chuckles, not worth the rental unless there is nothing else to watch

Freelance = funny stuff, cena has some good lines and is actually entertaining, more of a comedy than action.

The retirement plan = only made it 15 min before turning it off

Oppy = good period piece, interesting concept of the issues only the smartest of us have to deal with.

23 was a terrible year for movies, hoping 24 is better


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
The Marvels:

I knew it was going to be a hot woke feminism agenda piece of garbage when they said Nia DaCosta was the director but C'mon Disney, no wonder they fired her as soon as it hit theaters.

Even The Incredible Hulk (2008) did better at the box office
sometimes it can be a good idea to stop and ask yourself "is this post worth posting?" before posting.


free wieners
Ah, Oregon. So Emily Dickinson College
My gregarious days of studies and eagerness to produce a cinematic masterpiece in the institutions were merely random shorts to fulfill collegiate assignments shot in the hills around Boulder and Spokane. It was to be my tinker career after my 25-year mark in the forest service in wildland fire. Although the US Army had other ideas, I did start and run a couple of production companies doing documentaries, commercials, and contract content with the advent of Youtubez. Still, one thing I have learned with many interests is when you do it for a living it tends to dull the flavor and passion.

I did enjoy producing content when running the nonprofits, that was fun since it was solely shot and edited from the hip but even it became the cash cow and the pressure for milk was getting rather bothersome.
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resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
child actor who played akiko in godzilla minus one....deserves a oscar nomination...


free wieners

Wife's new favourite film, supplanting Equalizer.
I liked it as well, was a bit skeptical when I saw David Ayer was directing since the only thing he really did that was rad, was training day and Fury, but it came out pretty well-balanced. Fight scenes were choreographed well albeit some scenes were a bit tongue and cheek (even hear a Wilhelm) but overall I liked the tempo, the editing pace tapered towards the end but it kept me occupied enough not to bug me. Def not a cerebral movie like Equalizer as it was a pretty predictable screenplay but it still left a few surprises.


free wieners
Roadhouse (2024)

Meh, def a departure from the original, enjoyed the cameos, storyline and plot is about as predictable as as a stop light so done expect a brain teaser. Started out fun and decently paced until McGregor shows up. McGregors acting is just as painful to watch as the budget CGI in the fight sequences but overall it is entertaining and worth the easter eggs of one liners, quips and nods to the original. Glad its free with prime.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Roadhouse (2024)

Meh, def a departure from the original, enjoyed the cameos, storyline and plot is about as predictable as as a stop light so done expect a brain teaser. Started out fun and decently paced until McGregor shows up. McGregors acting is just as painful to watch as the budget CGI in the fight sequences but overall it is entertaining and worth the easter eggs of one liners, quips and nods to the original. Glad its free with prime.
Currently watching. So far it is not nearly as bad as 211 with Nicholas Cage. Still bad though.


in a galaxy far, far away
we thought that Dark Harvest was fairly good. it's definitely not fully rounded, but it was entertaining enough

other recent samples
Badlands Hunters - couldn't get past the halfway mark
Rebel Moon - some of the worst writing and dialogue, but the Space Nazi bad guy is very well done. high production values
Con Air - laughably bad, but has some big name actors who don't suck. along with Nicholas Cage, in the leading role, who does suck
Space Sweepers - again, the writing is terrible and we only got 1/3 of the way in before we abandoned space-ship.


in a galaxy far, far away
Safe House - Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds - solid action movie with lots of bullets, murder, car chases. a plot line and writing that aren't hot garbage. standard hollywood movie. above average entertainment value, but I will probably not remember anything significant about this movie in 12 months.

might be entirely unwatchable if a person spend time doing CIA/NSA and/or special forces work. since the entire plot centers upon safe houses, spies, military shootin'


free wieners
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare

Pleasantly surprised to see a different aspect of the cast all the way around. Loosely based on a true story that is the infancy of special forces from Churchills writings

Has an Oceans 11 feel with pace and editing with the quip and period of inglorious bastards with a spritz of olde English humor akin to Monty Python.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Monkey Man

Indian John Wick (before it went totally dumb). It was a good watch :)


Danforth Kitchen Whore
Sep 5, 2001
Six String Samurai. It's good, weird, and hard to get.

Post-apocalyptic WASP with a guitar and a katana walks into 'New Vegas' sort of thing.
Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 12.31.27 AM.jpg
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Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Roadhouse (2024)

Meh, def a departure from the original, enjoyed the cameos, storyline and plot is about as predictable as as a stop light so done expect a brain teaser. Started out fun and decently paced until McGregor shows up. McGregors acting is just as painful to watch as the budget CGI in the fight sequences but overall it is entertaining and worth the easter eggs of one liners, quips and nods to the original. Glad its free with prime.
Just watched this last night, he's like a caricature with bad acting on top.


free wieners
Civil War (2024)

Interesting to see Mary jane and ron swanson in the same flick. Not sure what to think about it, decent combat scenes, clearly had some on-set tactical professionals doing advisements. The plot is very wide and several story lines branch in all directions. For its budget and production value I would have thought there was more in the screenplay.

Would probably be best watched while under the influence of your choice