
The big question fox rc2 40 2010 vs boxxer wc 2010


May 23, 2009
The big question fox rc2 40 2010 vs boxxer wc 2010

For the none racer, weekend warrior that like to ride aggressive free ride too

Thanks for your advice and knowledge


3 Dude Approved
Both top end forks!!!! Preferences would go to looks, ride, how stiff the chasis is. They are both smokin hot forks that are pretty bad@$$.... Theres a following for both forks as well. Some like the minimal flex of a boxxer others like the stiff chasis of the 40, the 40 has small bump compliance thats off the hook and the WC being air matches that added with the stiffer chasis than last season its a great fork.
Everyone Ive heard or talked to say the 40 with the fit2 cartridge loves it and I ride a WC and love it as do several buddies. It does pack a little weird on multiple high speed chatter on 1 particular chute we ride. Thats been addressed.

So what Im saying is:
Flip a coin man youd be hard pressed to screw up that choice :D
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Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
If servicing is an issue why not try to find a deal on bos? Open bath seriously makes the service intervals longer. I'd get one myself but lost my chance to get it on a smoking deal.
Though I agree with Travis - flip a coin. Booth need a lot of service though 2010 boxxers need it just out of the box ;)


3 Dude Approved
Booth need a lot of service though 2010 boxxers need it just out of the box ;)
OUCH!!!! ;)

Yeah they corrected the oil issue, the cartidge is harder to repair on the 40.
40s need to be stored upside down from time to time to lube the dust seasl ehh nothing really bad on either..
Both require maintenance none of which is hard at all.

I agree with NB that an open bath will be the most reliable and need the least amount of service having said that you might consider the 888 evo Ti as well....Same weight area and BUTTER as well as stiffer than the boxxer not as ridgid as the 40 but smoother than both.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
I should have gotten the 40's now - got a rack that takes my bike upside down - perfect for fox ;)


Feb 6, 2007
I used to ride Marz back in my freeride days but have been with fox every since and no complaints....is the 888 EVO as bad@ss as some are saying?
Mar 10, 2005
Santa Cruz/Sacramento, Ca
I have a friend who runs the 888 evo and is calling it marzo's great return to the good-ole'-days. I broke my 66rc2x and decided to upgrade to the 888evo TI via crash replacement. After catching some of the guys at sea otter, I got sent through customer service quickly and got everything taken care of. Good cs and a new fork means that I am sooooo pumped.

Any other opinions on the 888evo?


Aug 8, 2003
I've worked in shops for years, have owned a boxxer and been on 40's the last few years, and I've got tons of friends on both.

There's one recurring theme for each:

RockShox has the best CS in the industry, their forks have more oil per internal volume than fox so it stays feeling butter longer, and it's the easiest fork to setup due to the layout of the dials and the amount of info online. On the other side, the boxxer uses cheaper overseas manufacturing and lots of plastic, so while things don't last as long and they require parts to be replaced on a much more frequent basis (MC comp carts??), RS usually just hands that **** out no questions asked.

Fox on the other hand uses expensive manufacturing, everything is metal inside, and since 2009 (when they replaced the bladder), they RARELY need new parts. Everything is dialed from the get go, but because there's less oil per internal fork volume, the Fox definitely requires more frequent oil changes to keep it feeling butter. Also, because Fox rarely f*cks up, they're a lot more stingy with replacing parts no questions asked - but always make good on real Warranty.

I ride Fox because I don't mind pulling the lowers off every 10-15 rides to clean and lube everything, and I appreciate knowing that I'm not going to have a faulty cartridge, lowers, etc and have to be without my fork for any period of time during the season. Take care of the Fox and it'll take care of you. I'm sold on the Fox, but I can see why other people like the Boxxer and I still think it's a solid fork.
Dec 7, 2009
Cloud Kiwi
What they said

What I'd add is though and I now ya prob know :D

One is Air Boxxer WC!

One is coil - Fox RC2!

Out of the 2 u listed, maybe compare the Team to the Fox RC2 same performance opportunities as the Boxxer WC air, but in a coil setup.

Comes std as does the Fox with 3 spring rates to tune, if u do go Box Team run or start out on one SR down from listed by Sram, they are def stiff side of SR.

Re Stiffness I'd say that's not much of an issue as the Boxxer 2010s are def stiff enough. I don't like the too stiff feeling of the Fox but hey that's me, though I love my Van 36.

So personal pref.

The new Marz Evo Ti 888s are also one to consider and compared to 08, 09 was quite for them they sound pretty reliable and no issues Ive heard of to date.

So def an option too!

I love the Boxxer Team myself, but maybe flip a 3 sided coin or what deal ya can get best:D
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RM Chief Ornithologist
Mar 14, 2005
If you're going with a Fox, wait for the 2011. Few significant changes, like a flipped damper for better reliability. Compression adjusters on top, and air will float up and away from the damper rather than to the top of it. If you buy aftermarket you also get the kashima coat, which is probably more of a wank than anything but looks cool. :)