
the bully, the bike and the bumper.....


May 25, 2004
sweet its all those damn skateboard punks causing all the problems for poor innocent bikers. he deffinatly got what he deserved and that has to be put into the darwin awards.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Wow, thanks, Dave. It's too bad his friends didn't run him over when they went back.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Those are the same types of a-holes RAMPANT in Fredneck. Useless, evil twits whose only courage comes in the form of 4000 pounds of steel armor. Not three weeks ago, I had the delicious pleasure of slashing the tires of just such a chimp's car who thought it funny to swerve at women and children in a WalMart parking lot, clipping their shopping carts...all the while shouting vulgarities and swigging from their bottles of Michelob. I followed them on my bike to a parking lot several hundred yards away, but they had already gotten out of the car and gone into a convenience store. I'll bet I killed their buzz when they came out to a car resting on its rims with unrepairable rubber! Had they been present, they would have received a thrashing for good measure, as my wife and kids were among those terrorized. Thank God for cell phones!

dh girlie

llkoolkeg said:
Those are the same types of a-holes RAMPANT in Fredneck. Useless, evil twits whose only courage comes in the form of 4000 pounds of steel armor. Not three weeks ago, I had the delicious pleasure of slashing the tires of just such a chimp's car who thought it funny to swerve at women and children in a WalMart parking lot, clipping their shopping carts...all the while shouting vulgarities and swigging from their bottles of Michelob. I followed them on my bike to a parking lot several hundred yards away, but they had already gotten out of the car and gone into a convenience store. I'll bet I killed their buzz when they came out to a car resting on its rims with unrepairable rubber! Had they been present, they would have received a thrashing for good measure, as my wife and kids were among those terrorized. Thank God for cell phones!

Damn...good for you.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
That video is now a desktop item for me, by the way. From a religious standpoint, I don't believe in Karma, but I do believe that we all ultimately reap what we sow.

"He that dig a pit,
Let him bury in it..."


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
llkoolkeg said:
Those are the same types of a-holes RAMPANT in Fredneck. Useless, evil twits whose only courage comes in the form of 4000 pounds of steel armor. Not three weeks ago, I had the delicious pleasure of slashing the tires of just such a chimp's car who thought it funny to swerve at women and children in a WalMart parking lot, clipping their shopping carts...all the while shouting vulgarities and swigging from their bottles of Michelob. I followed them on my bike to a parking lot several hundred yards away, but they had already gotten out of the car and gone into a convenience store. I'll bet I killed their buzz when they came out to a car resting on its rims with unrepairable rubber! Had they been present, they would have received a thrashing for good measure, as my wife and kids were among those terrorized. Thank God for cell phones!
My hero for the day.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Shoulda used your cell-phone camera to take pics of the vehicular assault, and had the cops put them away...

Not baggin' on you, man, great job...and I guess they understand slashed tires better than author-i-tie anyhow.

I think there's still a place in society for the stocks, pillory, and public caning/whipping.



Sep 6, 2001
Orange County, CA
llkoolkeg said:
Those are the same types of a-holes RAMPANT in Fredneck. Useless, evil twits whose only courage comes in the form of 4000 pounds of steel armor. Not three weeks ago, I had the delicious pleasure of slashing the tires of just such a chimp's car who thought it funny to swerve at women and children in a WalMart parking lot, clipping their shopping carts...all the while shouting vulgarities and swigging from their bottles of Michelob. I followed them on my bike to a parking lot several hundred yards away, but they had already gotten out of the car and gone into a convenience store. I'll bet I killed their buzz when they came out to a car resting on its rims with unrepairable rubber! Had they been present, they would have received a thrashing for good measure, as my wife and kids were among those terrorized. Thank God for cell phones!

Sorry bro that slashin tires is a pu$$y thing to do. If they even thought about doing that to my wife and kids I'd stand there and wait until they were present.


Turbo Monkey
llkoolkeg said:
That video is now a desktop item for me, by the way. From a religious standpoint, I don't believe in Karma, but I do believe that we all ultimately reap what we sow.

"He that dig a pit,
Let him bury in it..."
I love proportionally directed anger! My therapist says I'm too angry most of the time. I told him no way, I'm generally really happy seeing stupid people getting what they deserve, even if I have to help events along a bit. The bully in the vid needed a little dog to come along and pee all over this concussion’d head. :evil:


Turbo Monkey
spookydave said:
Sorry bro that slashin tires is a pu$$y thing to do. If they even thought about doing that to my wife and kids I'd stand there and wait until they were present.
..and there's 3 of them and packin'. You've just orphaned your kid and widow'd your wife. Now, if you were packin'....


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
MikeD said:
Shoulda used your cell-phone camera to take pics of the vehicular assault, and had the cops put them away...

Not baggin' on you, man, great job...and I guess they understand slashed tires better than author-i-tie anyhow.

I think there's still a place in society for the stocks, pillory, and public caning/whipping.

I only have a cheapo phone w/o camera option. They never actually hit a person; what they were doing is swerving at people w/o carts and clipping the carts of people that did have them.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
llkoolkeg said:
I only have a cheapo phone w/o camera option. They never actually hit a person; what they were doing is swerving at people w/o carts and clipping the carts of people that did have them.
Even if they don't hit anyone, it's still assault...all assault requires is 'conveyance of a threat.' Anyhow, I'm sure the cops would've been happy to arrest them for DUI and/or open containers in a vehicle, then a few statements from your wife and other victims/witnessess to bring assault charges, take away their licenses (if the driver even had one) and hopefully do some jail time...

I bet the dude has priors, too.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
spookydave said:
Sorry bro that slashin tires is a pu$$y thing to do. If they even thought about doing that to my wife and kids I'd stand there and wait until they were present.
Doooood! I waited for 35 minutes after the slashing. I wanted to confront them, but they never showed. I believed at the time that they must have been workers of the convenience store who were just getting evil on their dinner break, but when I drove by the parking lot over the next couple days(to see if the car would be parked there), I never saw it again. You must have had your tires wrongfully slashed in the past to think so; then again, if you make a habit of throwing the word "pvssy" around so loosely, I am less surprised that it might have happened.

Pvssy... :rolleyes:


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Pau11y said:
Now, if you were packin'....
We're talking about LL here. I don't know if he has a cc permit, but I'd place a wager...

Still, rolling into a basically defensive fight (you can't shoot first, unless you can prove they're trying to kill you with the car or something...) against 3 potentially armed dudes isn't the smartest thing, esp. with your wife and kids and bystanders in the area.

That's why being on the offense is the only tactically sound way to do it. But there's this thing called the law that makes that kind of impractical.



Dec 6, 2004
hmm.... you could wait for the three of them to come back, and enter into a fruitless physical fight and you could end up scratched up at best, but more than likely a lot worse.

But I've bought tires recently.

I KNOW You did the right thing.

dh girlie

clancy98 said:
hmm.... you could wait for the three of them to come back, and enter into a fruitless physical fight and you could end up scratched up at best, but more than likely a lot worse.

But I've bought tires recently.

I KNOW You did the right thing.
I agree...with idiots like that, they would probably enjoy scrappin...but you hit em where it probably hurts worse...the wallet...


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
MikeD said:
Even if they don't hit anyone, it's still assault...all assault requires is 'conveyance of a threat.' Anyhow, I'm sure the cops would've been happy to arrest them for DUI and/or open containers in a vehicle, then a few statements from your wife and other victims/witnessess to bring assault charges, take away their licenses (if the driver even had one) and hopefully do some jail time...

I bet the dude has priors, too.
My wife reported them to the Manager of WalMart. While standing in line to do so, another woman with a little boy came in. The little boy said, "Mommy! That man almost ran us over!" The manager said he would call the police. My wife was late to a doctor appointment for our younger daughter, so she called me to tell me what happened and gave me a complete description of the car, the tags and the culprits. I wasn't too far away, so I pedaled over to see if I could find them. No cops were there, but I saw a car fitting the description driving off from the far end of the lot. I followed, but I don't pedal as fast as a car drives. The rest is history.

Certainly the citizenly thing to do would have been to do as you suggest, but I am known to have a little bit of a temper when people fvck with those I care about. I did what I did and haven't lost a bit of sleep over it. Frankly, my experience with the police has always been one of supreme disappointment. Even when I catch criminals in the act of stealing my property or when I barely avoid a swerving drunk driver, all I get is the usual line of lip service with no results. "Thanks for the report; we'll have a unit look into it." Maybe I just watched too many Bronson movies coming up, but I only involve the law now when there is no other option.


Sep 6, 2001
Orange County, CA
nope, I've never had my tires slashed.
I am normally pretty even keeled but messing with my family is one of the few things that puts me over the edge.

Sorry about my choice of words. I just would rather take something out on the person face to face and not the equipment. But then again I'd most likely get my a$$ kicked and get arrested for assult.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
llkoolkeg said:
Certainly the citizenly thing to do would have been to do as you suggest, but I am known to have a little bit of a temper when people fvck with those I care about. I did what I did and haven't lost a bit of sleep over it. Frankly, my experience with the police has always been one of supreme disappointment. Even when I catch criminals in the act of stealing my property or when I barely avoid a swerving drunk driver, all I get is the usual line of lip service with no results. "Thanks for the report; we'll have a unit look into it." Maybe I just watched too many Bronson movies coming up, but I only involve the law now when there is no other option.
I wasn't arguing it terms of "citizenly," just in terms of what hurts them worse...a few bucks on tires, or a year or more in jail, a criminal record, and loss of a license.

So good on ya for doing something...I've certainly taken matters in my own hands a few times, and it was rewarding. I just liked seeing the other guy (bike thief) carted away in a squad car after we'd kicked the living crap out of him...


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Man, I love the impact of that guy's face on the car. Brilliant.



Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
MikeD said:
We're talking about LL here. I don't know if he has a cc permit, but I'd place a wager...

Still, rolling into a basically defensive fight (you can't shoot first, unless you can prove they're trying to kill you with the car or something...) against 3 potentially armed dudes isn't the smartest thing, esp. with your wife and kids and bystanders in the area.

That's why being on the offense is the only tactically sound way to do it. But there's this thing called the law that makes that kind of impractical.

Hahaha...no, I only carry now when I'm by myself deep in the woods. I live in liberal, gun-hating MD now, having come from VA by way of GA. I have already had one run-in with Johnny Law for carrying my 10mm where it is not permissible to do so. A year of court-ordered probation complete with random piss tests taught me that I need to be more prudent with my choice of concealed weapons.

Also, there were only two punks in the car(not 3) and my wife and kids were miles away at a medical facility while all this went down.


Turbo Monkey
Wait, wait. I'm not suggesting letting the lead fly, nooooo. Someone's ass will be grass for sure. I had a picture in my mind of something like the tow truck scene in Men in Black I or the knife scene in Crocodile Dundee (FHAH, that's not a knife. This is a knife!). Those punks whip out some hand guns after seeing you slash their tires, and you just flash a hand canon or a street Howitzer followed by a comeback of "Paaalleeeeeeeezz."

BTW Keg, I think you did good. :thumb:


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Ha. My GF was mad at me for laughing, and kept wanting to know how I was so sure they were attacking the kid on the bike.

Whatever, though...play with fire and get burned. Kid's still a dumbass, just like his friends. They obviously need more time in school, and less time unsupervised with cars.

And they're keeping health insurance nice and costly, too.



Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
I'm there, too, but I think I only have about 3 posts or so...

dh girlie

stoney98 said:
I find it more amusing, so I stay over there more then not. The OT is like the lounge, but with 4000 people daily. So much more fun. That and it's very self policing. There's not alot of 13-16y/o gromage, just the ocassional 16-18y/o who gets chased back to I-club quickly (pinkbike equivilent).

So did Pressley ever make it to that board? :D just kidding...hahahaha!