
The Cane Creek Cup Thread


Turbo Monkey
Jan 19, 2005
North Carolina
Ok, the season is rolling around the corner, and I have no idea what to do. Well, ok, it's not that bad. Most of you know that have decided to go into DH racing. This said, I want to get a feel for what the DH scene is like in the south. I mean, what are the courses like and are there any non-race courses that I might not know about that are bada$$ which I can practice on(Winrock?).I have ridden most of the Sugar expert DH course numerous times(in XC races), so how does it rank in the eye of a DH racer. I know in the CC Cup there is a race at Wolf's Bane(?). What's that like? Basically, I want this thread to be about the courses in and around the Southeast so I can prepare. Capish?


Try to go & ride Windrock because it's usually open to ride unless it's real muddy or an ATV rally. It's really the best place to DH in the S.E region. If you can rip there then you should be prepared for Nationals of similiar terrain & speed.
Plan on a shuttle or pay someone to shuttle. I have pushed to the top, but that sucks !
Is Sugar DH course changed finally ?
If not then the same course it's sorta pedally/ & rocky- you sprint about 500 yards down the slope to the bottom.

Wolf Laurel is Wolf's Bane i believe. A good DH course.Expert was looking good with some drop-ins & Nice speed off the top.Not too long of a course & no rocks anywhere!

Other courses are Snowshoe .Never been there so i can't say,but heard some injuries from lot's of riders & bad infections from whatever is flowing from the top of the mountain !?! EPA should test the dirt there...I would do Mt. Snow instead- .My .02


Turbo Monkey
Jan 19, 2005
North Carolina
Thanks a lot. Yeah, Vermont was my favorite XC race last year(and my best). I love it up there and plan on doing that National as well as Snoeshoe. Sugar is supposed to start at the very top this time, and bomb down some steep sh*t, also. I have heard of a US Open? What is this? Not doing very well with my searches for sites with race dates + other racing stuff....please help a brotha' out!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
Sugar's DH course isn't the most technical, but anything at speed (DH race speed) is a challenge. One little mistake or blown corner and you're off the back. Sugar can be a fun and challenging plus with Liazrd's lane wet it can be very physical. However the upper new section, if included in the this year's race, will seperate the expert class a little I think.

Wolf, isn't rocky, but it has its fair share of tech turns and off camber sections that will test your skill. Again at speed its tough.

Windrock depending on course can be scary fast or just plain scary. Either way you better be physically strong. The course is long and there's no place to rest or relax. If done at race speed you can hardly stand up by the end. Of all the SE courses Windrock has the most potential for severly f'ing yourself up. I've broken two vertebrae and an arm up there. Its by far the most technical as well. Lots of rock gardens and steep sections.

All in all Windrock is the gnarest, but that doesn't mean anything. The closet thing I raced last year to it was the pro/expert course at the National Championships. But even that Windrock is much slower (expect Trail 1). Everything else I raced was much faster and way wider in the open.

Riding expert level stuff and racing expert level stuff are two different things.


Riding expert level stuff and racing expert level stuff are two different things.
so true !!