Well, everything except gaping non-functional kidney grills.Humans can and will get used to nearly everything, always have; some BC Roman dude has a quote about ‘man does adapt to any circumstance’ or some shit like that, and except in extreme circumstances we pretty much always look back on history with highly rose tinted glasses. It’s probably a survival trait.
In the 80s I hated most 80s music; now, I ran so far away. There are millions of examples of similar.
Seriously, some cars are hit with the ugly stick. The current honda civic is ok, has some critics and the R kind of went over the top, but that's the point of the R? But go back a few years ago, not 10 years, but more like 5, and they had some hideous ones that were pretty bad. Then go back to the 2007 or so, those were pretty clean and decent looking.
My point, not everything gets better. Yes, some of it grows on you, the last gen BMW 3-serious never did and the new one looks pretty bland...but it sure doesn't look as bad as an M3/M4/4-coupe does now. Some of the stuff stays bad.
That electric 4GC doesn't look as bad as the above BMWs, but the grille is still baffoonery.