Roads here in Fairbanks are the worst I’ve ever seen. They got a bunch of rain, like inches or rain a couple weeks back, and then feet of snow. Now there’s like 1-6” of ice on all the roads that can’t be plowed off. You can’t use salt, because it’s below 0F. It’s completely bonded and cant go anywhere. There are giant holes in it near concrete and asphalt expansion cracks and you can’t drive more than a few dozen mph. It’s like repeatedly driving into curbs of various sizes, they’ll be every 5-10’ or so, giant holes, insanely rough. There are cars (most own trucks), but I’m not sure how they can’t be damaging them from the impacts. It’s seriously like having a concussion every time.
When I lived in northern NY the town never actually plowed down to the road surface. They just let it pack in and dropped gravel for traction. When pot holes filled up they would fill them in with snow. Much of the year the roads were pretty much a composite of ice and gravel. After the melt street sweepers would collect all the gravel for use the next season.