maybe they didn't land it on land.Yea, that's pretty tinfoil-y. Lets assume that even part of that is plausible. 1.: A 777 is a big fvck plane, where do "they" even begin to hide something like that? Never mind the giant strip of concrete you need to land something like that on. 2: The flying bomb "they" are building needs more than 300,000 lbs of fuel to top off. That's a metric fvck ton of fuel someone also has to hide.
3: It stretches credibility that someone flew a giant ass civilian airliner into/across some of the most heavily radar scrutinized airspace in the world.
4: The airstrip you would need to launch a fully loaded 777 is going to have to be even bigger (much) than the one you need to land and hide an unladen 777. Again, where not talking about some obscure goat path in the tribal areas of Pakistan.
maybe al-queadia teamed up with somali pirates and are using some kind of hijacked aircraft carrier floating runway kajigger ala waterworld.
or maybe nick fury has it up on his floating air base thinger.