
The Custom Title thread


Nov 1, 2004
Venice, CA
I guess Chimp is the same as KOOK in surfing, or Barney, Donkey etc....

I'm fine with it, I'm a firm believer that you have to EARN respect. Gotta work youre way up the ladder towards the guy and gals that have put in some serios time here :p


It's not poo
Dec 1, 2003
SoCalsurfer said:
I guess Chimp is the same as KOOK in surfing, or Barney, Donkey etc....

I'm fine with it, I'm a firm believer that you have to EARN respect. Gotta work youre way up the ladder towards the guy and gals that have put in some serios time here :p

that thing you said about RESPECT, put it in all caps, then you have earned it man... hahaha


Pretty Boy....That's right, BOY!
Oct 7, 2002
Ciaran said:
Meh... What can I say, I am a freak. Besides, I was planning on rocking whistler in a skirt so I could get a cool custom title like Megan Black
hooker boots and a tube top would also be necessary

and for everyone that is crying about it.......
i want a new costom title, i want a title, why don't i get one, wwaaaaa waaaa...


They saw my bloomers
Feb 17, 2004
the DC
apparently at a race I was doing some practice runs and my shorts were ripped wide open and I was showin some private areas.... and some monkeys with "influence" happened to see me go by...:p It's better than "flasher" or something though :D


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Mine came from me telling our other monkeys about my first trip to Diablo....I made the mistake of agreeing to ride whatever my husband wanted to ride and then proceeded to follow him "BMW" (which kicked my arse many times and I haven't been back to repeat the beating on that particular trail...there's always next year :think: ). Needless to say, I fell off it (being the huge boulder garden that I swear there isn't a line through) several times and realized that, even though I survived, I am probably not a double black diamond chick :D


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
foxfreerider11 said:
I think you at least have to have over like.....500 to 800 posts in order to get a custom title, you never see people like me getting custom titles, but i don't have a lot of time to spend on here......ahh well looks like i got a long way to go till I can get 800 posts
Nope - http://www.ridemonkey.com/forums/showthread.php?t=102863

You can be an absolute jerk and get one very quickly... I think one of the post in there said that this chump was awarded cesspool by his 9th post.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
A bunch of us :monkey: did the 24 hours of adrenaline (Holiday farms, Dalton Mass.)

some combo of me racing there every wednesdsay (in the summer), fibbing to the other :monkey: racing but not on my team that the course was easy/flat (I forgot to mention the 3 mile climb).........and being dumb enough to not sleep and volunteer for my teams final lap, which was my 5th lap

ps: Westy totally kicked all our asses....he raced it solo......and had some crazy fast lap times, and that is why he is "King Monkey"